~Chapter 9~

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'She's nobody'. The words burned into Adriana's mind for the remainder of the night. She had turned and walked away from him not giving him any satisfaction. 'nobody' she thought tilting her head back and letting the warm tequila satisfy her need for alcohol at this very moment in time. 'Is that what I would be to him too? Nobody?'

"Are you going to tell me your name or what sweetie?" Her thoughts were interrupted by that guy again. He had been following her around the downstairs dance floor and bar for the past hour now. Sure she had let him dance with her, but it was out of frustration. She really wanted to dance with Salvatore, not now though. Not after he decided to disrespect his own date to her. On one hand she was glad little miss blonde bimbo was a nobody, on the other all she could think about was how many 'nobodies' he had and if this casual pursue of her was just another notch on his conquest belt.

"Adriana", she finally replied putting him out of his misery as she leaned on the bar not looking in his direction at all. "Here" he slid her a drink with a smile tugging at her right arm forcing her to turn around. "It's vodka redbull, your drink of choice tonight" he stated urging her on.

"Fũck!" Luca stated out loud watching over Adriana from the upstairs balcony. Salvatore had instructed to keep eyes on her after she angrily stormed off, and it was a good thing he did. He clearly saw the unidentified male slip something into her drink before urging her to take it. He watched her take big gulps through the straw and practically almost finish the beverage instantly!

"Salvo I need to speak with you quickly" Salvatore rose from his seat not even acknowledging his date in the process. "What is it?" He demanded urging Luca on. "She's accepted a drink from someone, I saw him slip something into it".

"What the fũck!" Salvatore was suddenly ragging in an absolute panic. 'How could she be so damn stupid' he thought to himself angrily as he followed Luca downstairs directing him to her location.

They were still at the bar, the moment Salvatore saw the glass in her hand he knew he was too late. There was the smallest amount at the bottom of the glass. 'Why did she drink it so damn quickly' he thought in absolute frustration. Luca pointed directly to the guy, "it was him" he confirmed. He barely finished his sentence when Salvatore lunged forward swinging his right fist like a round house punch and planting it right at his cheek knocking the guy off his feet. Adriana screamed dropping her glass and jumping out the way terrified. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Suddenly she was screaming at him pulling at his suit jacket trying to stop his punches. Luca grabbed her by the waist dragging her away from the situation. "NO!" She continued to protest "NON MI TOCCARE". Don't touch me is what she screamed in Italian. Normally when in panic or anger she would revert to Italian, just like back at the police station. "What the fũck did you slip into her drink you asshole". Adriana heard Salvatore and suddenly froze. She turned to look at Luca who had now let her go, he knew she would be no further problem after hearing Salvatore. "You're going to be fine" Luca assured her when he saw the look of panic sweep across her. "My-my drink?" She stumbled trying to come to terms with it. 'How could I be so fũcking stupid' was all that was crossing her mind.

"It's just a fũcking roofie, get off me!" Salvatore tried to grab him again but at this point security had stepped in and restrained them both. Luca grabbed onto Adriana's arm, "don't say anything" he warned sternly squeezing his grip on her making sure she got the message. Luca knew Salvatore was not going to reveal what happened to security, that's not how he dealt with these situations at all. He knew they would all end up back at the police station and Adriana alone in the hospital.

"All of you out!" Security stated angrily. Luca noticed the guys wallet on the floor and quickly scooped it up totally un noticed. He placed it in his jacket pocket and whispered to Salvatore, "I have his wallet, let him go" he smirked and smiled at the guy who was bleeding from the eyebrow. 'Watch out' he mouthed before grabbing Adriana by the wrist and pulling her urgently to the club exit.

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