~Chapter 24~

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"Buongiorno bellissima. How about a ride to work this morning?" (Good morning beautiful) Luca was surprised when Adriana opened the door still in her fluffy white bathrobe. She smiled widening the door open waving an arm around encouraging him inside. "Ahhh, sorry. I didn't realise you would be in the shower, I waited downstairs but you weren't answering your phone so thought I'd come up. You should probably not answer the door in your robe by the way..." Adriana raised an eyebrow and pressed her lips together unimpressed with Luca's last comment, she did not feel he had the right to dictate anything she did within her apartment or elsewhere for that matter.

"Veramente papà?" (oh really dad?) She casually made her way to the kitchen pulling at the cord of her bathrobe making sure it was nice and secure to avoid any unwanted embarrassment between the pair. She was in a mad rush to get out of the shower and to the front door when she heard the banging.

"Espresso macchiato?" She queried knowing very well it was Luca's coffee of choice in the mornings. It was not until later in the afternoons when he would opt for a normal espresso. She tentatively prepared an espresso cup along with a cappuccino mug for herself. "I don't have work today" she stated tilting her head over her left shoulder, "but you can join me for a coffee"


"My shift was cancelled. I'm sorry I forgot to text you, my boss didn't text me until late last night so I didn't want to bother you. I was supposed to let you know this morning" Luca shrugged watching her gracefully make their coffees and pouring in only half a teaspoon of sugar for his. She really had gotten to know him quite well over the last few weeks. She placed his espresso macchiato in front of him and remained standing in the kitchen leaning slightly over the counter taking a sip of her warm cappuccino. She sighed happily briefly closing her eyes as the welcoming intrusion of caffeine began its course throughout her body. She was addicted to coffee and was very aware of it when she tested out the theory a few years back making the commitment to give up coffee for one month. The commitment barely lasted a week, her migraines would not subside until she reconnected with her drug of choice.

"So what did you do last night?" Luca pried taking a sip before placing his cup back on the saucer, his eyes cheekily glancing into hers. She almost instantly started to laugh but managed to hold herself back.

"Why would you even ask when you know?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Adriana. Che ne so io?" (What would I know?) The arrogant smile all over his face was not the smile of someone who currently had no knowledge of what he was asking. Adriana turned to make her way to one of the kitchen cupboards to retrieve a container of almond cookies. She walked back to her coffee casually opening the container and dipping her cookie in swirling it around and around. Ignoring Luca completely she brought the cookie to her lips eagerly eating away while he still watched her tentatively awaiting her response. She picked up the container lifting it towards him as an offering which he willingly helped himself too.

"Well?" He pressed, slightly leaning back into the back of the bar stool.

"Yes Luca, Salvo practically broke into my apartment yesterday and forced me to eat fresh pasta and his ragù"

"Oh he forced you hey?"

"Well, who am I to deny freshly prepped produce?" She joked throwing back the rest of her cooking into her mouth quite eagerly.

"You guys are good then?"

"Well when you say good, if you mean on talking terms yes, we are. That's all though. Nothing more, nothing less" she casually darted around the kitchen cleaning up the few bits and pieces which Claudia had left out earlier that morning.

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