~Chapter 33~

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The sound of an officer's voice and banging from the front door worked just as effectively as a bucket of ice cold water poured directly over the pair.
Salvatore was pushed up as Adriana sat herself up frantically in an upright position. She grabbed onto the bunched up material of her dress and quickly pulled it down covering her exposed legs.

"Fũck" Salvatore groaned angrily, I had her just where I wanted her. He let out a frustrated breath as he watched her stand up, pick up the ice cream tub placing it on the kitchen counter and making her way to the front door. All without even taking a glance back at him.

"Can I help you?" Adriana asked angrily when she recognised one of the officers. Ben O'Conner.

"Good evening miss Di Dio" Ben greeted her with a smile as did the other officer. "May we come in?"

"What is this about?" Salvatore asked suddenly appearing making his way to the front door. What is this fũcker doing here? He gave Ben a less than welcoming look as he placed his right hand on Adriana's right shoulder. He felt her welcome his touch as her tension suddenly melted away.

"Salvatore Abandonato. Well I see you two have become quite good friends then?"

"None of your business" Adriana snapped trying to hold back the urge to slam the door right in his face.

"Well it's actually a good thing we have you both here. We have a few questions to ask you both regarding Andrew Peterson"

Adriana raised a curious eyebrow, "I have no idea who that is and to be honest I don't give a shĩt so you can leave"

Ben O'Conner let out a slow loud sigh placing his foot out to stop the door from being closed on him. "Oh I think you do know who he is Adriana" he challenged back, "I'm certain your boyfriend over here knows who I am talking about. We have some interesting evidence showing an altercation between the two at Marquee." He raised an eyebrow at Salvatore throwing him a knowing look.

Her eyes widened at his last sentence. She knew exactly who he was talking about. Andrew Peterson was the guy who roofied her drink and Salvatore started a fist fight with.
"What do you want?" She asked annoyed.

"We'd just like to ask you both a few questions. We can do it here, or we can force you back to the station."

Adriana sighed, stepped aside and widened the opening of the door allowing the officers entry to her home. She excused herself briefly and ducked into her bathroom to quickly clean up the sticky mess on her body before joining the men back in the living area.
When she returned she immediately noticed the look on Salvatore's face. He wasn't even attempting to hide the look of hate and annoyance he felt towards the men.
She made herself comfortable next to Salvatore placing her hand on his leg. A message to the officers that she was sticking to his side, no matter what they had to say.

"Well?" Adriana stated waiting for someone to start firing questions already. She watched the younger looking officer take a notepad from his back pocket and pen from his breast pocket.

Ben O'Conner cleared his throat loudly before commencing. "Adriana what happened prior to the altercation between Salvatore Abandonato and Andrew Peterson?" He watched her intently awaiting her response.

"I was at the bar with Andrew Peterson, he ordered me a drink, I drank it of course and the next thing you know a fight is breaking out. There really isn't anything too interesting about the story to be honest" She shrugged her shoulders to indicate how uninteresting her recollection of the events were.

"Who started the fight?"

"Andrew Peterson" Adriana lied not caring in the slightest.

"Really? Adriana do we need to remind you that we have the footage?"

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