~Chapter 18~

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Claudia's dress in the media section ;-)

Three agonising weeks had gone by and Salvatore had stopped trying to contact her. She was so furious that night and against his better judgement he stopped fighting and trying to reason with her and left thinking things would be resolved over the next few days. Instead she stopped returning his calls and messages and continued on with her life without him.

Adriana was stubborn and with the combination of being hurt by Salvatore she did not want to see him again. She was embarrassed at what she had revealed and embarrassed that she had foolishly convinced herself that she would be ok to play this game with Salvatore. There was no way she wanted to share a man with some delusional whore, yet at the same time she did not trust him enough to let him be with her intimately.

For three weeks it was all she could think about, the scenarios were running red hot in her mind over and over again. The more she thought about everything, the more confused she became. So she did the one thing she knew how to do best, run away and cut ties with him.

Adriana smiled at Luca when she stepped into the car and waved a small container in his view before showing him that she was placing it on the back seat of the car. "They're Italian almond cookies. I made them last night" she revealed buckling her seatbelt up. The one thing she was not ready to let go of was her connection with Luca. She had to admit she was rather enjoying the days he would pick her up for work in the morning and drop her off. At first she refused when he rocked up at her door the first time after the fight, she knew it was Salvatore's way of keeping tabs on her while she refused to speak with him. Eventually though she accepted it and began to enjoy the conversations they would have to and from work.

"For me or Salvo?" Adriana rolled her eyes, he had to hand it to him, he always found a way to slip him into conversation. The poor guy was trying so hard to make her at least make one phone call. "You know they're for you Luca" she was quite blunt in her reply, "don't even think about giving them to him and telling him I made them for him because I will out you" he laughed before pulling out of the parking bay and commencing the drive to work. "Oh I won't, I'm starting to really enjoy your cooking actually so I don't feel like sharing" he winked at her earning a genuine laugh from Adriana. "At some point though" Luca continued, "I'll probably have to explain all this to Salvo you know? I think it's in his best interests to know about these culinary skills of yours. Definitely wife material"

"Whoa, Luca! I think my cooking is going to your head! I'm not in the mood to date your boss, let alone marry him"

"Maybe I'll just marry you then? You could pack me leftovers for lunch every night, get up early and make me almond cookies. We'd have to disappear though, Salvo would kill me"

"Thanks for the offer Luca, but I think I'll just continue my life as is at the moment. If we got married you wouldn't chauffeur me around every morning, you'd make me your 1950's housewife and confine me to the kitchen"

"touché Adriana"


Daniel Agostino had found himself in a very dangerous situation. He had no idea where he was or how long they were going to keep him here, he was fairly certain at least a week had gone by but without a clock, calendar or window, he could not be too sure. Surely his work colleagues and family were looking for him?

The moment he was taken and brought to this location he knew exactly why. His kidnappers, the Abandonato family crew, barely had to make mention of the card game hold up and Daniel already started spilling the beans, not too much though, no, he still wanted to live so he continued to grasp at straws giving his captors sometimes vague information claiming he was too weak to think clearly without food or water.

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