~Chapter 28~

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Even though Adriana was exhausted from a combination of an extremely busy day and a very late night the night before, she was still very eager to enjoy some after work drinks with some of her colleagues. They sat in a nearby bar laughing about the day and drinking.
It was all fun and games until a very irritated looking Luca Genovese came barging towards them angrily.

"Great of you to answer your phone Ade", his tone was just as bad as the look on his face. He took Adriana's arm pulling her towards him. She pulled back a little surprised by his actions. It wasn't exactly his style to manhandle her.

"Luca? What the hell?" She stated confused. She moved away from his grip and reached into her bag. Surely enough her cell phone had several missed calls and text messages from him.

"I've been looking for you all over the place"

"I'm sorry, I had no idea you were even picking me up today" She stated honestly. After Salvatore had dropped her off in the morning they had not discussed it and she simply assumed she would find her own way home.

Luca shook his head annoyed. He was furious after walking up and down the streets near her work place looking for her. A staff member who had stayed back had told him they had gone out for drinks but had no idea where. He was not angry that Adriana had chosen to go out, however when he tried to contact her over the phone and she was irresponsible enough to pay no attention, that irritated him. He ran his hands through his hair letting out a shaky breath.
"I've had to avoid Salvo's calls for the past hour because I knew he was calling me to find out if you got home ok. In fact because I never answered you probably have calls from him too. Do you have any idea how much shĩt I could be in because you couldn't answer your cell?"

Adriana rolled her eyes and picked up her drink lifting it towards him. "I think you need to have a drink and relax Luca"

"I think you need to finish that drink and come with me Ade", he believed he was being pretty reasonable allowing her the decency to finish her drink.

Even though she was angry, Adriana decided to hide that fact in front of her colleagues and obediently left with Luca without any fuss. She decided it was best to not start a scene in front of everyone on their first night out.
Once they were in the car and driving down the streets however, all gloves were off.

"Seriously, what the fũck Luca?"

"Don't Luca me!" He retorted back pushing the gear stick so violently Adriana thought it would snap. "He's going to give me an earful, you know that right?" He looked to her quickly before focusing his attention back to the road.

"I'm not a child Luca! Geez! You guys can't just order me around like this. It's suffocating!"

"Suffocating? Adriana, you don't know what suffocating is!"

She raised an eyebrow letting out a disapproving grunt. "Well it's not my problem if you find Salvo suffocating. It's your choice to work for him" she shuffled in her seat uncomfortably, she just wanted the drive to be over already.

"You're a smart ass you know that right?"

The remainder of the drive was fairly silent. The pair knew that if anything further was said it would likely blow up into an unnecessary fight. So when Luca pulled over he turned to look at her still quite frustrated.
"I'll see you tomorrow" he stated quite casually keeping his cool.

Adriana sighed as she undid her seat belt and reached for her bag by her feet. "Park the car Luca" she ordered not leaving the vehicle until he did so.
He looked at her now a little confused with his eyes wide waiting for her to elaborate.
"I'm going to make you dinner you idiot"

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