~Chapter 19~

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Can't help myself here's another chapter for you beautiful people :)

Love you all xXx

"Salvo, I did what you said and found a guy"

"A willing guy?" Salvatore asked stretching himself back into his leather chair while tentatively listening to Luca. He nodded, "yes he's willing. He will need proper protection though, the only thing he asks, besides the pay check is that he stays out of prison. He says he's not going back there for this" Salvatore chuckled to himself, how could he possibly promise no prison time. After all he was not the justice system. He waived his hand in the air dismissively, "tell him whatever he wants to hear Luca" he nodded obediently but did not leave his home office. "Is there something else?" Salvatore queried when Luca stood his ground. "Yes. What exactly are we doing here?" Salvatore was very surprised, Luca had never questioned him before. He was always so obedient and willing and never had a problem with finding out about plans last minute. "Salvo I only ask because this is the strangest request you've ever asked of me. Finding a gay criminal willing to-" Salvatore quickly cut him off, "Luca I know I've been a little vague about this one. Yes it's a strange request I get it. I've been thinking about it for a few weeks now and I've only just decided to go ahead with this"

"Does this have something to do with Ade?"

"Adriana? You guys are on nick name basis I see?" Luca squirmed a little, he was on nick name basis. He was also indulging in her exceptional baking skills. "How is she?" Luca nodded and smiled a little, "she seems good. I've tried on numerous occasions to get her to call you but-"

"but I fũcked up with her" Salvatore finished the sentence for him, "it's ok Luca you can say it. I pissed her off and now I'm spending my days plotting plans to get her back to me. Just keep doing what you're doing and take care of her" Luca nodded and turned on his heels to exit the room before hearing Salvatore's voice once again, "oh and Luca one more thing"

"Hmm?" He spun back around, "when were you going to tell me about Mike?" Luca was completely dumfounded, he did not expect this at all and suddenly regretted his deceitful ways.

"I ah... Salvo look Mike is nobody. I didn't tell you because there was nothing to tell so why upset you unnecessarily? You have enough to think about"

"Let me clarify Luca, you decided it was unnecessary to tell me that someone else was trying to get into her pants? You thought it would benefit me to not know?"

"I promise you Salvo, nothing has happened between them. They're just friends who live in the same building"

"A dangerous combination wouldn't you say?" Salvatore shook his head in disappointment before taking a sip of his drink. "You're lucky that she's so fond of you Luca, because if she wasn't I'd pull you off this right now and really let you have it for keeping secrets from me" Luca nodded before letting out a slight sigh of relief, he had really dodged a bullet there. "It won't happen again Salvo. I'll report everything from now on and let you decide what's important and what's not"

"Sounds like a better plan Luca. You can leave now".


Angela Abandonato sat silently on the closed toilet lid in her bathroom. She had been sitting in this same position for about twenty minutes just marvelling over the pregnancy test in her hand. All she wanted was a baby. A baby to help her regain her connection with her husband. She was madly in love with him but cracks had started to show in the last few months. They were so desperate to have a child that it was slowly tearing them apart.

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