~Chapter 29~

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"I'm so sorry Mike" Adriana repeated for what seemed like the thousandth time as Luca clicked the safety back onto his gun and placed it back into the back of his pants. She could not apologise enough for the embarrassment Luca had caused her.

"It's fine really. Just a misunderstanding. It's not every day I have a gun pointed at my face but you know, I guess I could have been an intruder" Mike stated babbling on in an attempt to make light of the situation.

Even though the gun had been withdrawn, Luca could not wipe the annoyed look off his face, it appeared that he was not even attempting to look or seem sorry. He stepped aside to let Mike walk by him and towards the front door to leave back to his apartment. Adriana quickly stopped him grabbing onto his arm before he reached the door.

"Please, stay for dinner, I was just about to make something. You know, before all this happened!" She stated with a nervous smile on her face hoping she could make amends.

Mike chuckled a little nervously himself before shaking his head, "maybe another time. No hard feelings, I think we've all had enough excitement for one night don't you think?" He made his way out the door and disappeared without any protests.

Adriana turned her attention to Luca who was suddenly in her kitchen helping himself to a beer from her fridge. She walked towards him stopping midway waiting for him to acknowledge what had just happened.
Without even turning around Luca cracked open the beer, took a sip and exhaled.

"I'm not apologising you know?"

It was barely a question and it made Adriana's blood boil. "Are you kidding me right now?" Her eyes were wide open and she was enraged. Who were these people coming into her life practically bossing her about? Quite frankly she was being to grow tired of these games.
"You will apologise. Like right now!"
He shook his head, walked out of the kitchen and straight by her collapsing on the couch.

"No" he continued, "I really won't. There was a man in your apartment without anyone around. What was I supposed to think?"

"Jesus Luca! He was welcomed in!"

"So we found out. You think it's wise to just take someone's word for it? That's how women get râped. How could you of all people not realise that?"

The moment the sentence left his lips he felt terrible. Of all the situations he could've used, that was the first example he could come up with. It was an inadvertent low blow and he knew she was about to react.

"What did you say to me?" She walked closer to him suspiciously. Watching his facial expressions trying to read anything he was willing to give away. "What did you mean by that? Me of all people?"

"I mean, someone roofied your drink before. You'd think you'd learn your lessons about strange men hanging around". His recovery was quick. So quick it was instantly believable. He could never screw up like that again, if she knew Salvatore had told her story to other people he would have his ass handed to him.
He casually glanced over at her noticing she was looking down to the ground a little uncomfortably. He knew he overstepped and he knew it was wrong to know a piece of her past, a piece he was not supposed to know.

"Look. I'm not sorry for taking my gun out" he stated adamantly, "I am sorry about what I just said. I overstepped"

Adriana awkwardly fidgeted with her fingertips before raising her head back up and looking back at Luca who now looked genuinely sorry about something. "No", she stated turning her back to walk over to the kitchen and awkwardly start preparing dinner. "You're right. I should know better. I ought to know better" she scolded herself while taking out some vegetables from the fridge.

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