~Chapter 42~

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"Watch out!" Luca quickly grabbed Adriana by the elbow as she staggered out of the club completely missing the step down and almost tumbling out onto the street front.

"She is smashed!" One of Luca's friends chuckled witnessing her less than graceful exit.

"I am not Dino!" She quickly recovered flicking her hair back and smiling at the bouncer who was less than impressed with the commotion she was starting outside the club.
She turned her head sharply towards Luca who was suddenly bursting out laughing.

"That's not his name," he informed her between laugher. "Nice try though Ade, I mean it was pretty close to Michael I guess..."

"Shut up!" She shoulder bumped him playfully almost losing her footing embarrassingly as Luca caught her once again shaking his head in disbelief.

Once the rest of Luca's friends exited the club, the group began to make their way down the street, Adriana suddenly taking the lead. "Where are we going?" One of the guys called out curiously, after all it was the middle of the night and the route Adriana was taking did not lead to anywhere notable.
"Central Park!" She called out walking with a purpose in the dead of the night. She was stopped abruptly by Luca once again who had suddenly taken the role of babysitter with her.

"We're nowhere near Central Park. I think it's time we made our way back home."

"What?" She stated back with a hint of surprise in her voice. "I can't go home, not without my friends! Where the hell are they anyway?"

"They left hours ago. Come on, you're clearly drunk." He made his way just behind Adriana, forcing her body to take his lead and walk into the direction he wanted to take her. She barely protested and found her way back at the front of the club waiting for a cab to come by.

"I'm not going home," Adriana folded her arms around her body as Luca slipped into the cab next to her. "You don't even know where I live anymore." She challenge back as Luca reached over her body to pull the seatbelt out and strap her into her seat.

"I know what hotel you're staying at. Salvo told me sweetheart." He sat back into his seat buckling up his own seatbelt.


Adriana raised a curious eyebrow the moment they stepped out of the cab. "This isn't my hotel." She smiled at Luca who shot her a cheeky smile back before leading her into the bar.
"Sticking with tequila?" He asked pulling up two bar stools. She nodded eagerly taking a seat as he ordered for her. "Tequila, cola and lime." He placed his credit card on the bar, "and a scotch on the rocks. Keep them coming ok?" The bar tender nodded acknowledging Luca making a start on their drink requests.

"Where are we going?" Adriana questioned when Luca lead her through a door which was clearly labelled 'fire escape.' "We can't be in here!" She protested as he pulled on her arm leading her up a staircase. He was clearly ignoring her and she was too drunk to do anything about it as she reluctantly followed him.
"Luca!" Adriana called out breathlessly after they had climbed up sixteen floors. She held onto the rail with her head hung low gasping for air.

"I thought you were fit," Luca teased ahead of her by a flight of stairs. "Only four more levels to go."

She looked up at him unimpressed and now wishing they never started this adventure. "I have heels on!" She shrieked watching him continuing his quest up the stairs. "God! I need more tequila for this Luca!"

She fell through the twentieth floor door a few minutes after Luca. "There better be drinks up here," she announced the moment she opened the door. She glanced around noticing him comfortably lounging on one of the sun deck chairs sipping a scotch.

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