~Chapter 27~

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Adriana found herself back in the Maserati and en route to Salvatore's home. Her nerves and anxiety did not shock her in the slightest; she more than expected those feelings to brew inside her.
When they traveled up an elevator and the doors slid open revealing luscious marble flooring and full length windows overlooking the magnificent city however, that most certainly did shock her.
The entry from the elevator was absolutely spectacular. Modern long white couches mixed with black single seater armchairs. A sleek glass coffee table, even full length lounge gun lamps scattered throughout the room.
She was suddenly extremely embarrassed of the fact that Salvatore had set foot in her two bedroom standard New York City apartment.
"Your place is amazing" she finally spoke needing desperately to break the silence.

Salvatore shrugged not really phased at all by her admiration for the place. "My father organised this place for all of us brothers. It was kind of a bachelor pad when we were all single. When Marco moved out after marriage and now Francesco goes between here and his fiancés place. Well this place is a little too big now. Beautiful, but big. I haven't decided if I'm going to buy everyone out and stay here myself in the future or maybe trade it for a house. Women prefer houses over penthouses right?"

Adriana shrugged still looking around in admiration as Salvatore spoke; "I don't know" she replied truthfully, "depends on the woman I guess!"

As if Adriana was not shocked and impressed enough with the tour of his place, Salvatore ended it in his enormous ensuite where there was an actual in ground spa bath which instantly reminded her of a scene from Scarface.
"Whoa! This room is definitely my personal favourite"

Salvatore chuckled at her reaction, "yeah?"

She nodded eagerly, "yes absolutely! I feel like I've stepped into Tony Montana's mansion all of a sudden"

Salvatore cheekily came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her small waist as he leaned into her ear; "no baby, you've stepped into my house" he clarified in a low sexy tone.

She giggled before turning around and facing him, "well Tony Montana, as much as I love standing here admiring this particular room it's like 2am and I need to be well rested to make coffees in the morning".
Salvatore took hold of her hand leading her into the adjoining bedroom.
The room was fairly bare but had magnificent views. The bed was king size, with a dark black, charcoal and silver duvet. The headboard was extremely large and pressed up against the silver feature wall. There were two bedside tables and on top of those were more gun lamps but much smaller versions than the ones in the lounge room.

"You're not about to tell me that in a penthouse this size, which apparently holds three brothers-"

"Oh those rooms are currently experiencing some issues with bed bugs" Salvatore cut her off smirking in the middle of sliding off his suit jacket and ducking into the walk in wardrobe to hang his jacket back up. When he walked back out he had discarded his tie and began working on the buttons of his shirt.

Adriana on the other hand sat awkwardly on the bed unsure of what to do. She did not exactly have any pyjamas to change into. "I don't suppose you have anything in my size?" She finally asked wondering what they were going to do about the situation; if he thought she was going to sleep naked he had another thing coming!

Salvatore walked back into his wardrobe and came out with a white button up shirt. He threw it onto the bed then extended his hand out; Adriana took it a little reluctantly. "You're looking at me like you're terrified" he stated pulling her to her feet. "You need to relax. You put too much pressure on yourself" slowly he made his way behind her. His hands on her shoulders caressing their way down her arms then back up again.

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