~Chapter 15~

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What in the actual fũck was I thinking? Were the only words on Adriana's mind right now. She had just let a man finger fũck her in some pine forest in New Jersey. Really? She could not think of a time when a car ride was this awkward, she was actually sitting in the back seat of a car with the man that brought her to the brink of pleasure, in a forest... The only thing more awkward would be if Luca had heard her practically scream her release into the night. He had not even dared to turn his head and acknowledge them during the drive back so he probably did hear her. You idiot Adriana, you horny little slũtty idiot, she cursed herself internally not knowing how else to react to her sudden lack of control. This is what you're doing with your life now? Coming back from being finger fũcked in a forest with a gangster at 1am in the morning. Honestly Adriana.

"You ok?" Salvatore suddenly interrupted her internal self abuse; he seemed totally nonchalant about the whole situation. In fact he was acting as if they had merely gone for a stroll and back instead of shooting and finger fũcking the night away! "Adriana?" He pressed when she did not respond finally snapping her back into reality. "I'm fine"

"You're quiet"

"I'm just tired"

"Don't over think it" she instantly spun her head to her right and glared at him as if to say don't you dare talk about what just happened. Not now with Luca driving! "Just relax" he continued as his fingertips found her right hand resting on the seat. He caressed it gently watching her watch his hand. He was slightly disappointed when she pulled away and turned back to look outside the window.

Salvatore made sure to get out of the car once they reached her apartment. "Thank you Luca" Adriana smiled at him trying to hide her embarrassment before exiting the car and closing the door. This poor guy having to drive around at this hour so we could touch each other in the forest, she thought annoyed at herself. She walked over to the building entrance and Salvatore followed closely behind. Adriana turned around quickly to say goodbye but he continued to walk forward forcing her to back up against the entrance door. He held an arm out leaning into her and trapping her between the door and his body. "Good night Adriana" he stated staring directly into her eyes. He was so serious and intense, it made her shiver. "I'm glad you came out tonight. Are you happy you came?" The smirk on his face made her think his words contained a double meaning, she stood silently still unsure of how to respond. "Adriana" he continued but she had no intention in responding. Finally he kissed her, claiming her lips once again for the final time tonight. It was slow and sexy, a change from his usual hot and heavy kisses full of passion. This kiss made her weak at the knees. It was like every style of kiss he gave her resulted in a different body part reacting to him. She knew what he was doing. He was using his body against her. He was out to prove a point with her but she did not realise the extent of his determination until tonight. Before she even realised it herself, her hands were in his hair forcing him deeper into her mouth. Once he pulled away he was breathless and his erection was straining against his pants. All this teasing was not good for him. "Thank you for tonight" she finally spoke up noticing his sudden uncomfortable situation. "Go inside Adriana" he instructed as she turned around unlocking the building door. Salvatore teasingly pressed the lower half of his body up against her ass before leaning over to whisper in her ear, "I'll wait as long as you want so long as I get to fũck you Adriana" she gasped a little shocked. How could he be so forward? She thought before his voice drew her from her thoughts. "and when I do" he continued cheekily, "you won't want anyone else but me to be inside you. Now go to bed and think about how loud I made you scream with just my fingers" he kissed her cheek and pushed her towards the door gently encouraging her upstairs.

Once Adriana stumbled inside her apartment the last thing she expected to see was Claudia still up watching some pointless reality TV show. With her back pressed up against the door she froze instantly. No no no! Why couldn't she be in bed! Fũck!

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