~Chapter 31~

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"I really don't think your mother likes me" Adriana announced to Salvatore when they were finally alone.
All afternoon she had to endure his mothers less than welcoming judgemental glances which made her skin crawl. Just like any respectful Italian woman though, she endured every negative and sarcastic remark simply shrugging it off. She was grateful for little Isabella who provided quite a distraction for the remainder of the day.

Salvatore rummaged through the guest kitchen discovering some leftover lasagne in the fridge. He smiled taking the plate out while listening to Adriana's concerns. "Hmm" he mumbled almost disinterested, he was not one to take his mother too seriously. He imagined it would take her a little getting used to seeing though he had never attempted to introduce her formally to any woman.
He pushed the plate towards Adriana scrapping it across the stone bench top. "Can you heat it up for me?" He smiled at her almost little boy like shocking her completely. "I don't know how to use the microwave" he admitted answering her unspoken question.

"Who the heck doesn't know how to use a microwave?" Adriana stated back quite loudly, "I mean, it's a microwave!"

"I didn't say I don't know how to use all microwaves, I have one at home you know, I just don't know how to use this microwave. It's too complicated; It has a grill and stuff in it. Why the hell would I need a grill in a microwave? Don't people just turn the oven on for that?"

Adriana's eyes widened, she was unable to hide her disbelief. He was actually being serious. Reluctantly, she took the plate making her way to the supposed complicated microwave and proceeded to heat the lasagne up.
Once she returned to Salvatore with the plate and cutlery she was rewarded with his excited smile. She had never seen him in this light before, he seemed different. He seemed human after all. She took a seat next to him and watched him practically shovel the food into his mouth. "One would believe they starved you today" she commented giggling, he was certainly eager.

"I love my mum's lasagne" he stated continuing to dig his fork in then holding it towards her lips, "have some"

"I think I had more than enough at lunch" she stated while bringing her hands to her nonexistent belly making small circular motions.

Salvatore continued to prod the fork towards her playfully, "come on, my mother says you're too skinny"

"Hmm" Adriana flicked her hair back. "I'm sure she would prefer me fat. That way you wouldn't be attracted to me-" she was almost cut off at Salvatore shoved the fork into her mouth. She frantically chewed the lasagne swallowing it shocked by his actions.

"Good girl" He encouraged cheekily taking yet another forkful for himself. "You're much more attractive when your mouth is occupied with food" he joked waiting for the blow up to his comment. Any minute now...

"Excuse me?" The fact that he burst out laughing, irritated the hell out of her. Her eyes seemed wider than he had ever seen before and she looked as though she was ready to get up and throw his precious lasagne across the room.

"So predictable Adriana" he continued to poke and prod her with his words, he had no issues adding fuel to the already well lit fire. He watched her furiously slide off the swivel chair in a tantrum and proceed to take long strides away from him. He too slid off his chair and only took two long strides towards her direction quickly grabbing her by the wrist yanking her back towards him roughly. "Not so fast" he teased.

"Let me go!" she spat, "I've had enough of people teasing me today!"

"Hey" he loosened his grip and wiped the smirk off his face, she was clearly in no mood to be joking and Salvatore caught on very fast."I was joking"

"I know you were" she sighed frustrated and spent. She was utterly exhausted. What was she even doing here? His family weren't exactly warming up to her and he seemed to enjoy seeing her squirm all day judging by his constant teasing. Surely he should know when to stop?
"Why did you ask me here?" She asked desperately, one of her palms pressed up against his chest, her other wrist still wrapped under his lose grip.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly that Salvo! You didn't even tell anybody I was coming with you today, everyone was looking at me like I'm an outsider" her voice cracking by the end of her sentence.

"I wanted you here today" he explained quite simply. Wasn't it obvious? "It's not like I have to announce to family if I'm bringing a plus one"

"Well you should have because your parents hate me!" She pushed her palm against him attempting to place some distance between them but he securely held his ground. She watched him shrug nonchalantly.

"They don't hate you, and if they did. I don't hate you and isn't that all that matters?" He stepped forward forcing the gap between them to practically be nonexistent. He could hear the slow intake of her breath and he was sure she could feel the sudden acceleration of his heartbeat under her palm. Yet he could still sense her trying to pull away from him. It had been so long since she had let him really kiss her and he was starting to think she was suddenly disinterested in him.
"I know there's something between us Adriana" he whispered, "I know it's there, I can feel it. Why are you denying it?"

"I'm not", her voice small and whisper like taking one step backwards. She watched as Salvatore followed suit meeting her steps constantly closing the gap.

"I know you don't trust me" he stated staring into her eyes, desperately seeking answers or any sort of insight to her thoughts. As usual, he came up empty. He longed for her to break down her defence walls and give him a chance to prove himself to her.
There was so much Salvatore wanted to say to her. So much he wanted to reveal. He had no idea how or where to even start. He wasn't one to open up ever, he wasn't even sure if he knew how. Somehow he sensed some form of loyalty with her. Something he could not explain, but it was there. He was sure of it and he was always a very good judge of character.
"What can I do to make you trust me?"

She inhaled sharply, "I-I trust you" she lied lowering her eyes to Salvatore's feet as she responded.

"You're a terrible liar" he chuckled back releasing his grip on her. "I know I have to work on communicating with you" he revealed very honestly. "I've just never had to work this hard before you know? My relationships have been very superficial." He didn't expect to see the smile which slowly appeared on Adriana's face, "what?" He queried confused.

"So this isn't... Superficial?"

"No. I thought we were clear on that? I don't know what we are, until you trust me I guess we'll never really know. I do know this isn't superficial though" he raised a hand and gestured back and forth with his index finger between the small space between them. "There's something here" he reassured her, "just relax and let me prove that to you."

Hey readers! Happy Monday to you all... Well as happy as a Monday could possibly be!

So pretty sure Salvo believes he is trying REALLY hard with Ade. Possibly the hardest he's ever tried with anyone. We have to hand it to the guy though, he did bring her home! 

Now let's just see if he can try a little thing called honesty to bring Ade around, maybe that's all she needs to warm up to him?

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