~Chapter 40~

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At first Adriana hesitated as she stepped into her apartment. It just didn't feel the same anymore. It didn't feel safe here. It didn't feel like a home anymore. Her thoughts were short lived and interrupted as the sounds of low slow moans filled her ears. "What the?" She mumbled to no one in particular as Salvatore closed the door behind her. The sound of the slam instantly putting a stop to the sex sounds coming from Claudia's room.

"Hey!" Claudia dragged herself out of bed entering the main room fairly quickly. She was dressed in a fluffy beige bath robe and looking quite guilty.

"Ahh hey." Adriana greeted her confused. Confused because she was home during her lunch hour, confused because she knew she hated the men that worked at her school, confused because she was fũcking someone and didn't seem concerned about the missing items from the apartment. 

"Who's in there?" And there it was. She watched her friend glance in Salvatore's direction. A guilty look on her face. Adriana tilted her head at Salvatore, he had a very good poker face. Claudia however did not.
"Seriously. What's going on Claudia?"

The addition to Francesco entering the room with nothing but his trousers made for a very awkward moment. The four of them silently staring at one another waiting for someone to say something. Anything.

"How long?" Adriana asked shaking her head slowly in disapproval. She was very aware of Francesco's engagement with Giovanna and never in a million years would she pin Claudia as someone who would encourage cheating.

"A few months," Claudia admitted tightening the rope on her robe. "I wanted to tell you. I really did"

"Did you Claudia?"

"You're upset. I get it."

"No I don't think you do actually!" She threw her hands up in the air turning her back on her friend to retrieve a water bottle from the fridge. As she drank she watched Claudia glance between Francesco and Salvatore. All three guilty parties at a standstill. "So even you Salvo huh?" It was barely a question, she threw the plastic water bottle at him at full force.

"What the fũck!" Salvatore yelled staring back at her in disbelief. Did that actually just happen?

"Fũck Ade!" Claudia tried to reprimand her, he had nothing to do with this affair. "He didn't do anything!" She exclaimed trying to defend him.

"All of you need to fũck off out of my sight," her words came out rather calm, but the expression she was holding on her face told a different story. "I can't trust any of you, can I?" Salvatore made his way towards her. "Don't touch me!" She flung her arms around in a ridiculous manner wanting no contact what so ever with him.

"Please don't over react," Salvatore tried to calm her, he stopped his pursuit to touch her but still kept close.

"You're all fũcking liars!" And just like that it was on. All rational thought out, pure rage flowing through her veins. "ALL OF YOU!" She continued with the accusations. Today was a horrible day, she was finally losing it. What else could she possibly do to gain the trust of these people? Her best friend? She threw her arms in front of her shoving Salvatore out of anger. "You're never going to trust me!" The accusations continuing, there was no stopping her. "I've given you everything! Everything! You won't tell me a god damn thing. You never will, will you?"

"Adriana! It wasn't his place to tell!" Claudia now had tears in her eyes, she felt horrible. This tasteless affair now affecting the relationship of her best friend.

"Don't fucking start!" Adriana screamed at her. "You're just as bad! I've told all you people everything! I've kept secrets for you all!" She shoved by Salvatore who grabbed hold of one of her arms, she twisted out of his grip not caring that she was hurting herself in the process. Angrily she made her way to the bedroom abruptly leaving the three of them in shock. She could feel Salvatore watching her as she began frantically throwing items into an overnight bag.

"Where are you going?" Claudia ran into the room concerned. Clothes were flying about during Adriana's uncontrollable rage.

"Away from all of you!"

Francesco looked uncomfortably at his brother and began to apologise profusely. "I'm sorry man. We usually go to a hotel to you know..."

"You're a fũcking idiot," Salvatore replied shaking his head disappointed in his brothers carelessness. "Can't keep it in your pants can you?"

"Oh come on, don't you start with that" Francesco was in no mood for a lecture about fidelity, especially not from someone who had his pick of whõres.

Adriana resurfaced from the bedroom with Claudia hot on her heels crying for her friend to not do anything stupid. "Please Adriana!" Claudia begged, "be angry that's fine! Just please be angry here, don't leave, this is your home."

"I can't stand to look at any of you," her words sharp, she knew they were cutting deep with Claudia, this was unlike them, they never fought. Not like this. "You have no fũckng idea. None of you do. All I ever want is trust, that's it, is it so fũcking hard? Instead what do I get? Pity!"

"Pity?" Claudia became confused, "I don't understand Ade, I really don't!"

"You guys love knowing everything about me, don't you? You love all the weak stories about me, makes you all feel so fũcking powerful." Her words becoming clearer and clearer to Claudia. "You assholes couldn't even include me in this stupid little story, could you? But you all love talking about poor little râpe victim Adriana don't you? Yeah anything to make you all feel so superior."

"I didn't see it that way" Claudia continued to sob. "If I knew I-"

"Well you would have know Claude's! If you fũcking took a minute to talk to me. If you just treated me like a friend. Show me you're human too once in a while. I wouldn't have judged you if you just told me. You're my friend. I told you things about me. Personal things." She turned to look at Salvatore. "Even you" she continued, "I told you about me, a personal story which I don't tell anyone! I also fũcking know you committed that crime Salvo. I know you went back to that guys place who roofied my drink. I know you did it and I still accepted you. Fũck all of you."

She made quick steps towards the door grabbing her car keys along the way. "Find your own way back to work."

"Don't you dare do this Adriana" Salvatore warned running towards her, he had to make sure she didn't leave. "You know you can't take off like this. Not now, it's not safe."

"Couldn't care less!" She shoved him one final time bolting out the door and down the stairs, Salvatore closely behind chasing her to the street front. "ADRIANA!" He didn't care that it was broad daylight and people were watching him. He normally wouldn't draw this sort of attention to himself but she wasn't giving him any other option.
He watched her open the passenger door or her car throwing in her overnight bag and slamming the door. He grabbed her one final time, "I'm begging you. Don't leave. Tell me what to do? Please, anything!" He watched the tears of rage developing in her eyes, a lone tear sliding down her cheek. He held her face firmly, wiping it away with the pad of his thumb.

"I can't be with you. It's too hard to be with you." She whimpered turning away from him as she entered her car. She turned on the ignition and didn't dare to look in his direction as she took off unsure of her next stop.

Hi there readers! Lucky for you guys wattpad is working for me this Friday... Amazing! 

Not too much to say about this chapter, except that it's full of Adriana rage!

Apparently it's too much to ask for a little honesty with these guys...

Book One is coming to an end so please go back and vote and comment if you haven't done so already. A preview for Book Two is up so please take the time to vote for that too if you'd like to see the story continue.

Now hit that star & shower me with comments to make my Friday that much better ;-)


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