340 20 1

September 12th

Sam yells out in pure joy making Colby smile, his heart fluttering at the noise.

Quickly glancing up at the boy as his upper half sticks out of the sunroof, on a late night drive, going through the back roads as he goes over speed limit earning the pretty sounds of Sam's giggles in return, his yells of joy making him happy knowing the boys worries aren't in the picture.

Stepping on the gas to make them go faster he leans back comfortably, reaching up with one hand as one tightly grips the top of the steering wheel.

He grabs Sam's waist as his feet stumble a bit "too fast?" Colby chuckles.

Sam laughs "no! it's perfect!" Colby smiles, gently squeezing his hip.

Sam comes back down into his seat and Colby comes to a slow stop.

Looking over at Sam he smiles at his now messy hair and reaching over to fix it.

"Oh," Colby smiles "your makeup smudged a bit."

He gently wipes the corner of Sam's eye where his mascara smudged due to the heavy winds causing his eyes to water a bit.

"Oh no, is it bad?" Colby smiles shaking his head.

"Not at all" he says gently pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"You look cute" he compliments before begining to drive at a faster speed again.

"We're nearly there, buckle up" Sam nods buckling up and looking out the window.

Sticking his hand out he moves it against the wind letting his mind wonder, the only thing coming to his mind is the way Colbys hand on his hip brought butterflies to his stomach, and the way he spoke to him with such a gentle tone making his heart to flips.

His heart drops.

"What are you thinking about Sammy?" Colby asks softly.

"Hm? Oh, nothing" Sam smiles.

"Are we there?" Sam asks when he parks.

Colby hums "we are."

Sam grins unbuckling and the two get out of the car.

Colby goes to the trunk once he opens it and pulls out a blanket along with a small basket filled with a few snacks and drinks for their stay.

The two had agreed to go stargazing, Colby having a perfect place in mind.

Laying the blanket down they lay down next to each other looking up at the stars, talking amongst themselves.

Colby watches as Sam sits up and goes into the basket, pulling out a water bottle and taking a few drinks, he smiles and scoots over a bit.

Sam lays down them now laying shoulder to shoulder Colby smiling at the closeness of the other.

Sam sighs softly, closing his eyes "look," Colby whispers, gently tilting his head to the boy, reaching his hand up to point at the stars.

Sam hums in question, looking at where he's pointing "those ones there, see them?" he says.

He follows Colbys finger as he traces the shape of the stars "yes?" Sam questions.

"What's it supposed to be?" Colby smiles.

"It's the big dipper, silly" Sam giggles.

"Oh, I see" Colby hums with a smile, dropping his hand to rest on his chest.

"What about over there? Is there anymore?" Colby smiles looking over to where Sam points.

"I'm sure there is, I'm no expert on constellations Sammy" Sam pouts.

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