346 18 2

September 30th

Sam grumbles in pain when he wakes.

His head is pounding with an angry headache.

Rubbing his eyes they are crusted slightly due to the dried tears.

He sighs before he grabs his phone to check the time- he doesn't remember falling asleep.


He sighs seeing many notifications from Liam but he ignores them, swiping away the notifications and going to Colbys contact seeing he's left him on read.

Sam sighs rolling to his side, his phone pulled to his chest.

He's far too confused, he didn't mean to shut out Colby like he did, that was not what he wanted in the slightest.

He groggily kicks his feet over his bed and stands up slipping on some slides quickly before leaving his room.

He supposes if he wants to speak to Colby then the only way he can do it is face to face.

So, he makes his way downstairs.

He's able to hear the talking from his family at the dinner table.

"Sam? honey, is that you?" he hears his mother's voice call out but he ignores her, going to the door.

"Hey, Sam where are you going so late?" she asks coming to him.

"Uh Colbys" he answers as he opens the door.

"Wha- no, eat some dinner first, none of us has seen you except for a few seconds, you've been hiding out in your room, c'mon, talk to us" Sam hums.

"I'd love to but I gotta go, I'm sorry maybe next time but I promise I'm fine, swear." he reassures as convincing as he could before leaving the house.

Getting to Colbys he knocks on the door impatiently, soon, the surface is taken away from beneath his knuckles.

He retracts his hands, Colby's mother is there.

"Oh, hi dear, what brings you here so late?" Sam smiles.

"Hi, can I talk to Colby?"

"Oh.. uh he-" she gasps softly as Sam pushes his way in.

"I apologize, but I really need to, I'll be out very soon, promise." he says before rushing up the stairs.

Getting to Colbys room he opens the door finding him laying in his bed on his side as he watches something.


"Sam what the hell?" Colby cuts him off as he pauses the show.

"Colby, can we please talk?" he asks as he steps in, shutting the door behind him.

"I don't really have a choice, now do I?" he says as he pushes himself up to a sitting position, his hair messily flopped on his head.

"Look, I'm really, really sorry" Sam says.

He hadn't really planned what he was going to say.

He came here spontaneously and maybe he should have thought it out a bit.

But it's too late for that now and he doesn't care, he knows what ends up coming out if his mouth will be the honest truth and he prays they will be okay by the end of his words.

Colby hums softly, he knows the blonde is sorry.

"You've told me Sam, you apologized many times, and I told you I get it, you don't need to say it anymore."

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