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Walking down the stairs slowly, the blonde sighs softly hearing the chatter of his family.

Arriving at the bottom he finds his family and Liam gathered around.

"Bye honey, you're welcomed here anytime okay? no matter what" Cindy speaks as she pulls him into a tight hug.

"Don't be scared to call, we all love you."

Liam hums expectantly, squeezing her once before they part.

Sam watches from the bottom of the stairs, his expression unreadable, to be honest he doesn't know what to feel.

Of course he's sad, who wouldn't be? but he can't help but have a small bit of happiness in him, he feels slightly free in a way, almost relaxed.

Liam catches his eyes and they share a moment of eye contact.

It's tense and slightly awkward.

Sam gives him a small smile and steps forward hesitantly.

He doesn't know what he's meant to do.

Liam opens his arms for a hug.

He's aware of the blondes thoughts, he wants him to know it's okay to hug him.

Walking into his arms he melts into the warm embrace Liam provides him.

Most people who break up wouldn't have shared a whole day together after, wouldn't share a long hug either.

It's not normal for most separated couples to do any of the events the pair did after, but to them it is normal.

It's what they're used to and will never let go of, their bond is something else not many can share.

"Bye, Sam" Liam mumbles into the mess of blonde hair.

"Goodbye" Sam croaks out into his chest.

Only now is he feeling the waterworks.

He wants to scream and cry, his emotions are all over the place and he doesn't know what to do anymore.

He's practically saying goodbye to his childhood, the best years of his life up until now.

He knows what the future has in store for him will be great- amazing even, and he cannot wait to live it but he can't help but sulk.

Liam pulls back from their hug and brings his hands up to delicately cup Sam's cheeks.

"We'll be okay sunshine, I know we will. We don't have to loose each other completely, I hold no hard feelings, about anything.. I'll be okay knowing your with Colby, don't feel guilty about it, 'kay?"

Sam chokes back a small sob at the old nickname he used to call him that had disappeared once they got together.

He collapses into his arms again, gripping onto the back of his shirt dreadfully.

"I- I'll miss you" he cries.

"I'll miss you too." Liam whispers brokenly, holding the smaller even tighter.

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