431 18 5

July 18th

Sam and Liam have gotten much more distant, Sam giving up hope more and more as each day passes.

Soon coming to terms that maybe they just weren't meant to be if the distance between them is affecting them as much as it is.

Though, in the back of his mind Liam still lingers, they are still together.

However, Sam and Colby have gotten much closer within this time.

Colby being there for Sam on days he was missing Liam most.

They've been hanging out as much as they could as long as neither of them were busy.

They've become best friends.

Sitting on Colbys bedroom floor, Sam's head rests on Colbys shoulder as they sit side by side.

He giggles gently grabbing Colbys hands "nono, your doing it wrong."

Colby grumbles out in frustration "what do you mean?! I'm doing it how you told me!"

Sam laughs softly, taking the needle from Colbys hand as well as the fabric, it being one of Colbys button ups, him accidentally pulling the button off when trying to take it off.

"Here, I'll do it, where's the button gone?"

Colby smiles softly, taking the small button off the ground and handing it to the blonde.

He hums lifting his head and placing the button where it needs to be before slipping the needle through one of the four holes.

"Thank you Sammy, I appreciate it" Sam giggles shaking his head "of course."

Colby stands up "you hungry? I'm gonna go get a snack."

Sam smiles looking up at Colby pausing his movements "could you get me a cookie? oh! and a juice box?"

Colby chuckles

"Of course."

Sam smiles resuming his sewing "thank you."

Colby hums before leaving his bedroom and down to the kitchen.

Coming back up he finds the blonde still hard at work with sewing the tiny button on.

"Here Sammy" he smiles sitting back down next to him placing his juice box infront of him.

"Thank you."

Colby hums opening his water bottle and taking a drink.

"Would you like to watch a movie once your done?"

"Sure, you can choose" Sam agrees giggling softly when Colby holds the cookie to his mouth and he takes a bite.

Colby reaches over and grabs the remote from the nightstand taking a bite of the cookie as well despite having a different snack for himself.

"Colby! that's mine!" Sam gasps when he looks over to take his cookie from him only to see a second bite taken out of it.

Colby rolls his eyes playfully, looking over at him "oh hush, it was a small bite Sammy."

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