359 18 0

October 7th

"Oh look, there it is" Colby gasps softly reaching his hand up to point at the blue butterfly that they're in search for.

Sam grins.

"It's so pretty" he whispers, leaning closer to the bush.

"Careful, your gonna end up with just a cone."

Colby gently tilts Sam's hand up seeing as the ice cream cone that's gently gripped into his hand gets tilted as he forgets about it for a moment.

"Oh, oops" Sam giggles softly.

He licks the side of the cone seeing as it's about to drip on his hand.

"C'mon silly" Colby chuckles.

He motions his head forward to resume their walk.

Sam nods taking one last glance at the butterfly before following Colby.

"Sooo are you gonna tell me where we're going now?" Sam asks after a bit of silence.

"I already told you Sam, I don't have anywhere in mind, we're just on a walk."

Sam pouts.

"Really?" Colby nods.

The blonde hums, looking around his surroundings his eyes falling on a small park up ahead able to hear the faint screams of the small children that are there.

"How about we go there?"

Colby hums, shrugging his shoulders.

"If that's what you would like" Sam smiles nodding his head.

About to propose a race, his phone begins to ring.

He frowns and pulls it out of his pocket.

"Meet me there, 'kay?".

Colby tosses out his half eaten, now melted cone in a nearby trash can.

Sam nods "okay."

Colby hums "I'll be over there,"

He points at the swings.

"Okay" Sam whispers watching as his phone rings.

Liam's contact is displayed on the screen.

He's silently hoping it would end at this moment so he can continue on his day with Colby.

Colby hums giving him a small smile before walking away.

Holding the phone in his hand he hesitates to accept the facetime before finally answering it.

"Finally! what took you so long?" Liam exclaims.

Sam shrugs "sorry, I'm uh kinda busy, remember?" Sam says recalling the text he's sent him earlier before he left.

"But I want to talk to you" Liam groans with a pout.

Sam sighs.

"Well don't you have other people to talk to? I'm busy, Liam."

"With what? eating ice cream outside? c'mon Sam you can't be that busy."

Sam sighs nodding his head.

Looking down at the cone in his hand seeing as it melts down his hand as the suns rays beam down brightly.

"What did you want to talk about then?"

Sam sighs, tossing his cone into the same trash can Colby did a few seconds ago cringing at the stickiness on his hand.

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