292 20 7

October 22nd

Sitting at the dinner table Sam stays silent as his family talks around him.

He sits with his arms around his knees, looking at his untouched food as his chin rests against his knees.

"Sam, eat" he hums at his mother's words.

Unwrapping one arm, he slowly picks up his fork.

"Honey?" he glances up seeing his mom looking at him.

"Yes?" he asks.

"Have you figured anything out to give to Liam? or are you settling with what we found at the mall?" Sam shrugs.

A small shakey breath escapes his lips before he speaks.

"I- uh I dunno" he speaks quietly.

He allows his chin to drop back on his knees.

He pokes at the small potato on his plate causing it to roll slightly.

"Well you gotta get him something, even if he's far away you-"

"I know" his voice is louder as he cuts her off

"Well okay," she pauses figuring out her next words sensing something may be wrong with her son.

"I'm just saying," she speaks slow "you have to find something fast, you have to ship it a few days before his birthday to get it there in time."

"Mom, just stop, I know, okay?" he says, dropping his fork.

"I know. I know this, you've been nagging me for two days now, I don't care what I get him I'll figure it out when it comes just shut up" his small outbursts causes the whole table to go quiet.

His siblings stopping their little argument.

His father raising his brows and looking at the boy stopping his movements of cutting his meat.

"Watch your mouth boy, that's not how you talk to your mother" he lectures.

Sam rolls his eyes "whatever. tell her to stop talking about this topic all the time" Sam grumbles.

"She's trying to be helpful."

"Ooh shh he's in trouble" Allison whispers to Ben with a small snicker.

"I didnt ask for help! I don't need it! I never wanted help in the first place! just shut up already, why is everything about you just Liam? Liam this Liam that! it's always 'whats he's up to?' 'what he's doing?', 'how is he?' what about me!?!" Sam screams.

Tears well his eyes not meaning those words to his mother but more so towards the said boy.


"Please- just stop" Sam cuts her off, abruptly standing up from the table.

The fast movement causes his chair to fall back.

He rushes out of the dining room and to the front door.

"Sam! where are you going?!" his mother exclaims rushing over.

"I'll be back" he mumbles tugging on his right shoe as he wipes a stray tear with his free hand.

"But it's raining" she says as he opens the front door.

Before he can get out she catches his wrist.

"I'll be fine, leave me alone" he sniffs, tugging away his wrist from her grasp.

He walks out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

Wiping his cheeks with his palms he chokes back a sob as he tugs his hood up blocking the cold drops from dampening his hair.

He continues down the sidewalk with his head down hung low.

His arms are wrapped around his body, crying softly.

Sam's phone rings repeatedly only causing him to cry harder.

Frustrated with the constant noise, he tugs it out of his pocket seeing his mom calling.

He declines it only for a flood of messages to come in from all his family and constant calls from his mother.

Declining them again, he puts his phone on silent shoving it back in his pocket, it finally going silent.

He wipes his face with his already damp sleeves.

Picking up his pace to a small jog, he runs into the park.

Phone buzzing again he chokes back a sob, dropping to his knees as he makes his way behind all the bushes and trees into the secluded area with the pond.

Grabbing his phone he answers it without looking "what do you want, I told you I'd be back soon just leave me alo-" Sam answers between sniffles.

"Wha- Sam?! what happened? are you okay?" Colbys voice speaks in a panicked tone.

Sam's heart drops as tears flood his eyes again.

"Nothing, m' fine" he mumbles.

He wipes the snot from his nose as he makes his way to the tree.

He sits against it.

"C'mon Sam, you dont expect me to believe that, do you?"

Sam stays silent.

He doesn't want to bother the brunette with his problems.

He lays his head against the tree behind him as he closes his eyes allowing the cold drops of water to fall on his flushed hot cheeks.

"Sam? c'mon, please talk to me, what's going on?"

Colbys tone is soft and gentle.

"Jus leave me alone I'm fine" he sniffles bringing a hand up and wiping his cheek to rid of the tears.

"Please" he whispers.

"Your crying Sam, so much, I know you are I can tell.. please just talk to me, what happened? I'm here for you, I always am.."

"I care about you so much" Sam chokes back a sob at his words.

He doesn't answer.

He knows the boy cares but he just doesn't want to talk about it, not now at least.

"Okay.. just, please tell me that you are okay.. that your okay and at home."

Sam shakes his head biting his lip not wanting to lie to him but not wanting to admit he's not home.

"No.. Sam, it's raining so hard, where are you?"

"I-I'm okay" Sam speaks.

"Where are you?" Colby speaks a little more stern.

"Colby! I said I'm okay!"

Sam exclaims he beginning to feel a bit frustrated that he can't just be alone.

"I understand that Sam, I do, I'm sure your okay, I just, I want to know where you are."

"I'm fine. I can take care of myself Colby."

Colby sighs softly.

"I know that but-" he speaks obviously worried for the small boy.

"Leave me alone" the blonde cuts him off.


Sam hangs up not allowing the other boy to speak.

He hates that he worries the brunette so much, he just wants him to relax, let him be.

He draws his knees close to his chest and tucking his head into them.

He cries.

He cries hard til his throat runs raw, it hurts.

Everything, hurts.

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