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November 8th - 5:02pm

I sit on the couch near my mom, Liam sitting on the armrest next to me gently rubbing my back.

I glance up at him and scoot over "baby," he sighs.

"What are we talking about?" I ask looking at my mom.

"You." she states simply.

"You can't keep sneaking out and running away like you do."

I sigh softly.

"It's dangerous Sam, especially so late at night" I nod slowly.

"I'm sorry, but I'm fine everytime, it's not like I go so far.. I come home every time just fine, right?" she gives me a look.

"Even so, it's still dangerous and I do not like it, not in the slightest. you do it often but it still worries me to death, every single time."

"'m sorry" I frown.

"So, me and your father have agreed that you are getting a curfew of 8pm" my jaw drops.

"8?! why not like 10 or something! thats too early!!"

"No. We agreed on 8, you shouldn't have to be out past that, there's nothing to do past that time so you shouldn't be out" I frown.

"But mom-"

"No buts. and, the doors lock automatically at that time, your dad installed something earlier this morning."

I groan "but mom I-"

"No! I'm tired of it Sam, you can't be doing this any more, it's only fair."

I frown.

"Fine! whatever I don't care" I grumble.

A beat of silence goes by.

"But it's okay if it's a sleep over or something, right?"

I ask.

"Of course honey, just let us know" I smile slightly, nodding my head.

"Okay" she hums.

"Now, about last night" she states.

I furrow my brows.

"You need to watch your mouth. the both of you."

She states seriously, glancing between both Liam and I.

"I dont know what you two are arguing about but deal with it like adults. and watch your mouths, you do not need to be doing all that cursing."

I pout, upset she had heard "understood?" I see Liam nod.

"Yes" I mumble.

"Sorry" I apologize.

"Good. now, Sam, your grounded for a week" my mouth drops.

"Wha- no!! that's not fair! why?!"

"Cause you are! don't ask."

I groan "well- well can I still hang out with Colby if I wanted?"

"Were you ever aloud friends when grounded?"

I groan "mom please this isn't fair!"

She gives me a look "mom-"

"Go to your room, I'll call you two down for dinner."

I groan standing up and storming out of the room.

I huff out a breath annoyed as I see my phone is now dead, not able to text Colby and complain about getting punished for something so stupid.

I drop my phone on the nightstand after plugging it in and kick off my shoes.

"Hey.. baby..?" I roll my eyes.

"Sam.." he sighs as he walks in, closing the door behind him.

"I'm really sorry hun, I didn't mean it, I'm so sorry for saying what I did, that I always bring him into things, I can't help it" I sigh pulling a pillow into my lap.

"It's not even that Liam," I sigh.

"Well it's apart of it" he hums.

"Then? whatever I did I'm sorry about it-"

"No, you can't just apologize for something you don't even know your sorry for, it just shows you don't care for what I have to say, you just want to do it your way and just get it over with and forget about it.. I can't just forget about it like that Liam" he sighs, taking a seat infront of me.

"Then tell me."

"You don't listen to me.. you-" I sigh, taking a pause.

Calming my thoughts, I let out a small breath.

"You don't ever care about what I have to say, you ignore me and do things that make it only better for you.. like- like for instance with Colby," I start.

"I tell you and remind you every single day that we're friends but you brush it off and apologize and move on, then you just bring it up again and its just the same cycle, nothing is ever resolved because you push it away and pretend we're okay again, but really, it's just building into one large argument that's accumulating more and more reasons to just get angry about, you don't listen to what I have to say and stick to your side and what you see, what you think it to be, it's all negative and false information that you are twisting together to create another pointless little argument."

Liam frowns "I can't help what I think, Sam" he mumbles.

"And I get that, I do. I see things that aren't really what I see it to be. I do, and I need reassuring sometimes too, but- neither of us seem to get that, it's just becoming an anger that just won't go away" Liam pulls me into his arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he repeats over and over again.

"Im so so sorry" he whispers.

"I'm hearing you baby, I really am, I understand, I will do better, okay? I won't let it happen again, I promise" I slowly nod.

"Can we just go to sleep?" I mumble.

"We gotta eat dinner still baby" I shrug.

"I ate earlier, you can stay up for it but I'm tired" I say, getting under the covers.

Liam is quick to get in beside me "okay honey, goodnight baby, I'm so very sorry for upsetting you."

I don't answer, allowing myself to fall into a relaxed state.

"I love you, so so much" he mumbles, kissing my head.

I tense.

"Love you" I mumble.

My muscles only tenses slightly more as those words leave my mouth.

Feeling the guilt swarm my heart, nothing sitting right with me as those words leave my mouth.

But.. I do love him..


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