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"-..just being here with you is the best birthday gift I could ever ask for."

I stand there watching the two boys in the bed where I was sat just moments ago now replaced with another man.

I stand at the door, frozen in shock, sadness, hurt.

My eyes pool with tears watching as he kisses the boy I love, the one I truly thought I had.

Who played me.

Tears fall down my cheeks and I slam the door shut.

The charger I had came back for long forgotten as I run out of the house for the second time that morning.

I get home and shut the door.

"Oh, hey, back so soo-" I run upstairs ignoring my mom.

I get into my room.

I slam the door shut hearing a picture frame in the hall fall to the floor.

"Cole! I swear to god if you slam that door one more time!!" I hear my dad yell out.

I ignore him, falling onto my bed.

I hug my pillow tight choking back pained sobs.

It feels my heart has just been shattered into a million little pieces.

I hear heavy footsteps make their way up the stairs.

I curl further into a ball holding the pillow closer to my face to muffle my sobs.

My door swings open and bangs against the wall.

"Cole. you broke my favorite family photo!!" my mom scolds.

I bite back a sob.


"I-I'm sorry!!" I cry.

"I-I'll buy another o'ne! ju-just go away!" I sob curling further into myself, crying even harder.

"Oh.. baby, what's wrong?" her voice softens.

"Go aw'ay."

"Colbaby, talk to me" she murmurs.

I feel her hand on my back.

She begins to rub it.

I whimper quietly, my chin quivering as I try to hold back my tears not wanting to cry infront of her anymore.

"Oh, Colbaby, c'mere, momma's here it's okay"

I sit up.

Reaching out, I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tight.

"What happened Colbaby? can you tell me?"

I shake my head.

"Oh.. alright" she sighs.

She begins rocking us side to side.

I choke back a sob clutching onto the back of her shirt.

"Please tell me honey," she begs.

She gently pets my hair.

"I-i love him m-ma s'o much!" I let out a pained sob.

"Who Colbaby? why are you crying? loving someone is a happy thing honey."

I shake my head.

"N-not if y-you can't have them" I hiccup.

"I knew it wouldn't h'ave happened bu-but- I really wanted there to be something.. I-I ruined it, I-i couldn't help but b-be mad, I wanted to b'e nice- t'o understand bu-but- I couldn't! I didn't me-mean to say what I said!"

Another love {completed}Where stories live. Discover now