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November 19th

"Hey honey, I'm back from the store."

Sam's heart aches as he hears the voice he used to love dearly.

"Whilst I was out I seen this new place I don't recall seeing before, I think it was some sort of arcade? I was thinking since my last days here are coming up we can go out there to have some fun before I go?"

He explains as he kicks off his shoes.

Sam slowly blinks keeping his gaze on his phone screen.

Colby's messages are pulled up, his thumbs hovering over the keyboard with half his wanted words are typed out.

"-.. Sam? Hello??"

"Hm? What?" Sam speaks slowly, looking up at his.. boyfriend..

Sam cringes at the thought.

Why did he make up with him?

His heart feels empty,

he doesn't find the joy in himself while being with him, he can't keep clutching onto his past, all he's doing is ruining it and making it unwanted memories that make him sad and heartbroken.

He hates that he doesn't have the heart to tell him, that he's dragging it out.

"I asked if you would like to go out and do something fun before I leave."

Sam hums his lips stretching into a forced smile, however it's more of a tight line instead.

"Yeah- yeah of course, why wouldn't we?"

Liam smiles, crawling into the bed.

"You okay? Looks like you've been crying"

Liam says as he gently tilts his head.

"Yeah.. I'm okay" he whispers.

His voice dangerously close to breaking due to just crying.

"I'm just kind of tired, is it okay if we take a nap?"

Liam hums pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"What about your ice cream? you sent me out for nothing?"

Liam pouts.

Sam smiles slightly "right.. m' sorry, I'm not in the mood for it right now anymore."

Liam chuckles nodding his head.

"Well alright then baby, we can take a nap, I'll join you in a minute I'm gonna go put it in the freezer."

Liam stands up and gathers the bag he's acquired from the store holding the ice cream and other snacks.

"Okay" Liam hums once before leaving the room.

Glancing down at his phone he erases his text before typing up a simple, short response.

Plugging in his phone he slips down under his covers.

He stares out his window watching as the tree that lay just outside of it sway within the wind, it's leaves plucking off here and there.

Soon the light is flicked off and the door is shut quietly.

Sam let's put a slow, quiet breath as he listens to Liam's footsteps approach the bed slowly.

There's a dip in the bed and the covers are being lifted up allowing the cold air to invade the warmth that consumes him for a second.

Liam's arm slithers around Sams waist and he gets pulled close "love you" he murmurs, pressing a kiss to his neck.

Sams eyes well with tears, he feels trapped within a sick game thats playing with his emotions, stuck in a loop that he can't ever get out of.

Liam's grip loosens around his waist as his breath evens out fanning against Sams neck as he falls asleep rather quickly.

A tear rolls down the bridge of Sams nose and onto his left cheek,

he slowly blinks allowing another tear to fall as he stares out the window and to the sky that bleeds a warm orange color as the sun sets.

His gaze is soon to be caught by his phone screen that lights up receiving a text.

He lifts his head, glancing back at Liam before hesitantly reaching a hand out and grabbing his phone,

tilting it to see, he unlocks it before going to the text.

Colby :))

Is it too late to see you?

Holy shit
No ofc not
come round whenever you'd like, my family is out just walk in

Sam let's out a shaky breath, gently grabbing onto Liam's arm and slowly removing it from around him.

Liam grunts in his sleep, retracting his hand making Sam freeze allowing Liam to finish moving.

After a few seconds Liam stops moving, now turned away from the blonde.

Sam sits up and places his phone down, glancing over at Liam once before slipping out of the covers and off the bed.

Grabbing his slides he slips them on deciding to bring nothing with him.

Not taking a second to think about anything, he leaves his room.

Going down the stairs he goes to the door.

"Sam? Honey what are you doing?"

Sams mother emerges from the living room hearing the footsteps descend down the stairs.

He jumps at the sudden voice.

He turns to look at her.

"Oh, mom you scared me" he whispers, holding his heart.

"Sorry dear, where are you going? It's nearly 10pm you don't need to be going anywhere."

Sam sighs forgetting about the whole curfew thing not needing a reason to leave ever since he's gotten it.

"Right.. mh' sorry, can I please go to Colby's? I uh I really need to talk to him."

She sighs.

"Right now? Can't it wait?"

Sam shakes his head "please mom? I promise I'll be back before midnight, if not before breakfast, I promise."

She sighs watching as her son becomes antsy and fidgety, the tears that build in his eyes going noticed by her.

"Okay.. fine, be back before breakfast, okay?" She says as she pulls him into a hug.

"Thank you.." Sam mumbles hugging her tight.

"Of course, I love you."

Sam hums, pulling away.

"Love you too" he murmurs before leaving the house.

Another love {completed}Where stories live. Discover now