324 16 1

August 31st

Colby climbs up the tree at Sam's bedroom window again, the moonlight shining down on him as he taps at his window.

After a while of getting no answer he sighs, frowning as he decides he should go back home, knowing Sam is most likely asleep.

Shuffling back to head back home he stops his movements hearing the window squeak open.

"Colby! I'm sorry, I was getting a snack" Sam giggles pushing the window fully open.

Colby grins "finally, I was about to go back home" he says as he goes through the window.

"I didn't think you were going to come back, not until Monday anyways" Colby smiles.

"Well I can't wait any longer Sammy, I'm so bored" Sam smiles "well c'mon! I was just about to watch a movie" Sam smiles closing up his window.

Colby smiles kicking off his shoes "fun, what are we watching?" he asks as he crawls into the bed.

"You see the title don't you?" Colby chuckles, gently pulling Sam over him and into the space next to him.

Sam laughing as he reaches over and grabbing his bowl of popcorn, other snacks inside of the bowl.

"Mh' planning on having a whole movie marathon or what?" Colby smiles getting a handful of popcorn.

"Now I am, since your here" Sam smiles playing the movie.

Colby smiles, the two falling into a comfortable silence watching the movie.

Many movies later the two conversate over the movie, paying minimal attention to it and laughing at the jokes they make having fun, enjoying each others company.

Sam gasps out a laugh as he pushes Colby away from beginning to tickle him.

"No! stop that!" Colby grins mischievously, beginning to tickle Sam anyways making him laugh loudly, Colby laughing along with him.

As the two laugh loudly without a care they fail to notice the door open.

"Sam what are you- oh.." Sam gasps looking over seeing Ben at the door, a tired expression on his face.

"Why is he here? I thought he was grounded?" he questions with a sleepy tone.

"Er I don't know uh we couldn't sleep..?" Sam says nervous.

Ben rolls his eyes "whatever I don't care, just shut up please" the two nod.

"Sorry for waking you" Colby apologizes and he shrugs it off before exiting the room.

"Well I think that's my cue to go" Colby smiles, scooping the spilled popcorn into his hands.

"Aw no, what?" Sam pouts.

Colby smiles putting the popcorn into the bowl before setting it aside.

"Just a little longer?" Colby gives him a look.

"I've been here for about 4 movies Sammy, that's at least 4 hours, it's gotta be so late."

Sam pouts "just a teensy bit longer?"

"Okay, fine" he grunts.

Sam grins "thank you!"

Colby hums laying back in the bed and the two fall into a comfortable silence watching the movie that plays on the tv.

Before they know it the both of them are sleeping soundly, cuddled into each other.

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