328 19 3

September 7th

"Oh shit! Hey brother! it's been so long!"

Colby chuckles at his childhood friend, the two pulling each other in for a short hug.

"Hey, Jake, how are you?" Colby asks as they pull away.

Jake shrugs "I'm good."

Their conversation continues as they walk into the restaurant.

As the two boys catch up on what they have missed, their conversation is soon on the relationship topic once their lunch gets served to them.

"Ah shit, man I don't even know" Colby chuckles shaking his head.

"Your telling me, you haven't had one relationship since we split?"

Colby shrugs shaking his head.

"Nah, what about you?" Colby asks.

"Yeah! I've got a girlfriend, her names Tara, we've been dating for a few years now."

Colby smiles "that's sick, congrats" Jake smiles nodding his head as he takes a bite of his food.

"So," he begins "you don't got anyone? like nothing?"

Sighing, Colby shrugs.

"I suppose I've got my eyes on someone" he states, the boy across from him perking, now intrigued.

"No shit? who?"

Colby shrugs "doesn't matter, he's got a boyfriend already."

Jake scoffs.

"Maybe you got a chance?" Colby shrugs.

"I suppose, maybe, yeah.. their relationship is kind of shit but I'm not trying to be like that.. he loves the guy, but he's out in some other state, he used to live in the house I moved into but had to move so they're doing long distance."

Jake hums "that's tough" Colby hums, nodding his head.

"Dudes ignoring him and blaming shit on him, they're on a break right now but I dunno, they're probably going to get back together again soon, I've just been helping him get through it."

"But, it's kind of fucked because the longer I'm with him the longer I realize how much I like him, but he isn't interested in me like that."

Jake hums a small frown coming to his lips.

"How'd you meet this kid anyways?" Jake asks "neighbors, well- across the street."

Jake hums "went over to meet him since my mom wanted to meet the neighbors and shit, we stayed there for dinner and I got to know him, and from there we've just became friends, but, I fuckin fell for him fast."

Jake chuckles nodding his head "and it sucks because his boyfriend is shit and I can't do anything about it but tell him he's going to be okay and shit" Colby continues.

"So their relationship is pretty much not a thing?" Colby shrugs.

"Complicated I suppose" Jake chuckles shaking his head.

"I say fuck it and go for it, the other dude is being inconsiderate and a dumb fuck" Colby shakes his head in disagreement.

"Nah, I can't do that to him, he's going through too much I can't just throw another thing at him, besides, you don't know the full story, so you can't decide that."

Jake hums, nodding along with his words knowing he's right.

"Alright Colby, but you gotta say something soon, you can't keep this shit hidden from him for so long, trust me, it's hard."

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