382 16 3

July 28th

Hiding away in his room, he's only come out for food, not in the mood to hang out or see anybody.

Including Colby.

Laying on the ground, he stares up at the ceiling as he listens to the music that plays through the speakers.

He feels hurt, sad and angry, he's not himself.

He's.. lost.

Sam sits up looking around his room.

Allowing a small smile to tug on his lips, he stands up, his eyes on his closet.

He searches through it and pulls out his most prettiest dress he owns.

He undresses and pulls it on, the red fabric complimenting his pale complexion.

He smiles softly at himself in the mirror only to frown at the look of his tired, puffy face.

Going to his bathroom he pulls open a drawer, it full of his small makeup collection.

He settles on putting on just enough to make his face prettier but not much change to his look, adding some mascara and highlighter along with a bit of blush and concealer to cover his eye bags and other blemishes.

He sits on the ground as he gets on some heels and he giggles happily seeing himself in his mirror feeling pretty, his little dress up making him feel better.

He grabs his phone and disconnects it from the speakers and slipping out of his room, going down the stairs.

He steps out of his home, the nighttime breeze clashing his warm skin.

He walks down his porch and out of view from his home as he continues down the side walk.

He smiles softly at the calm and quiet sound of night.

A soft sound of crickets chirping and a low rumble of a car that passes by every few minutes.

He turns down a dirt path coming to a park, a smile growing on his face.

Leaning down he unclips his heels and takes them off before he hitting play on his music.

Standing up, he takes ahold of his heels and runs down the empty park, the blades of grass gently poking at his bare feet as he runs.

He lets out a giggle as he spins, dropping his heels and phone once he comes behind a few trees being in an hidden, open field with a small river running through.

He smiles as he looks up at the night sky seeing the moon out, reflecting off the water, glistening against it along with the pretty stars.

His makeup shining prettily on his face, he closes his eyes smiling as he begins to dance in the dark with no care in the world, finally feeling alive as he forgets about everything.

He grips onto his dress as he approaches the river, peering over he sees his reflection looking back at him.

He smiles looking over seeing a few fish swimming, he smiles crouching down and sticking his hand in feeling the cool liquid flow between his fingers.

A content sigh sigh escapes his lips as he sits down.

He hugs his knees as he watches the river flow along, watching as the moons reflection ripples.

He falls onto his back and closes his eyes.

Finally, he feels at peace.

Another love {completed}Where stories live. Discover now