Why What How

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does anyone celebrate creepypasta day anymore? its in my calendar for today (october 13th) but-

When the human body doesn't sleep for three days, it deteriorates very, very quickly: from slurred speech and slow thinking, to 'micro sleeps' and feeling disorientated, to hallucinations and paranoia.

As Jack watched all but one of the lights in your house flick off, he wondered if he could put his exhausted body through two more nights of this. He hoped he could.

Since you answered his call, Jack had spent every night sat by the same, ancient field maple, eyes taking note of every little detail. Each time a light flicked on or off, he took note of the time. Each time you left the house, he hid behind the bark of the tree, hoping that the motion light attached to the wall wouldn't reach his hastily hidden bike.

It had become a new routine for him. He got to your house by nine, and left five and a half hours later, once he was sure that you were asleep. He would wait a bit longer if you stayed up—who knew what would happen if he left you alone while you were awake? Leaving you alone was something Jack wasn't prepared to do, and even when he did leave once you were in bed, he was always happy to stay for just another moment. Just another moment to watch you before he left. Just another moment to adjust the quilt so it was tucked under your arms. It made the dull ache in his chest that bit more bearable.

That night, you went to bed earlier then usual. Jack gave it fifteen minutes after your goodnight text before he slithered through an unlocked window, tiptoeing down the hall, up the stairs and finally arriving at your bedroom. He paused slightly before he pushed the door open, sticking his head through the gap.

It was easy for him to figure out if you were asleep or not. You fidgeted less in your sleep, and while Jack peered around the wooden frame, you didn't move for three whole minutes, your breathing steady and deep. A smile appeared on his face.

'See you later,' he whispered, shutting the door as gently as he could, the fondness in his eyes never fading. The door opened again and he zipped to your side, quickly pressing the ghost of a kiss on your temple.

If he knew what was waiting for him back home, he would have stayed a little while longer.

As expected, there was little to no traffic on the way home, meaning Jack could glide along the roads that led him back to Greg's place, his mind wandering far away from his body towards no particular destination. It went down the trail of memories, the path of hopes for the future, and the cul-de-sac of dreams. No matter how far it went, it always returned to the same place: you. It returned to the same, heartwarming comfort that filled his nerves every time you were close to him, or whenever you spoke, or sent a text—

Why is there a light on?

There was never normally a light on when Jack returned from his nightly excursions, and seeing something so out of place caused him to startle on his bike, coming to an abrupt halt as he stared up at the pale yellow glow that illuminated his room.

His heart twisted and flipped around his mouth and intestines, only growing in urgency as he crept around the back and going into the utility room. (Before he started his new routine, he had made sure to work out the quietest way in and out of the house. Thankfully for him, it was simply out the back door.)

The kitchen light flicked on like a spotlight in an auditorium as a voice asked: 'Been out?'

'Couldn't sleep.' Jack internally cursed and chided himself for letting his guard slip enough to gain Greg's attention. 'Sorry if I woke you up.'

'No, it's fine,' Greg replied. 'Was (Y/N) alright?'

'They were when I messaged earlier.'

'What about when you were sat outside their house? Were they alright then?'

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now