Uh Oh.

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Eyes fixed on the pale, cream ceiling of Gregs' living room, the ticking of a clock echoed around the room, reminding you that time was continuing on while you stayed static. You had been laying in the same place for so long that your bones had seized up, skin joining the cosy leather of the sofa as your arms clutched a pillow. It was the same pillow that you had clung to last time on Greg's sofa, back when you had been called over to keep an eye on Jack and ended up being taken care of by him.

If you were hydrated enough, you would have started to bawl as the memories came back. It was so unfair that everything was so raw, and that he wasn't there.

Somehow, you had found your way to Greg's place. You had driven there, though you never realised that until you shut the car door behind you, suddenly hit by the creeping cold of the rain that beat down on you as you made your way to the front door. You made no move to protect yourself.

Upon opening the door, he took one look at you before ushering you inside, asking Gabby if she could start making you a hot drink.

'Are you okay?' Greg asked. 'Do you wanna tell me what happened?'

Your voice was croaky, like the walls of your throat had been scrubbed with sandpaper. 'He isn't replying to me. They're going through, but there's no response. I-I don't know what to do. There's nowhere...I have nowhere to go.'

'Hey, don't worry, I'm not gonna kick you out. C'mon—go get a shower and I'll get you some clothes. Jesus, (Y/N), you're soaked through.'

You were guided towards the bathroom, and you watched with a faraway glare as Greg turned the shower on and handed you a pair of clothes before he left you alone, promising some food and offering a place to stay for the night so you weren't alone. You weren't entirely sure if you agreed to both, but you assumed you had, as he nodded and said he'd reheat some pasta from the night before for you. Now you had both a hot drink and hot food waiting for when you returned.

Tiny bullets of water lashed at your skin. It was close to scalding, but you still weren't sure if you could feel the warmth spreading through you. You had gone almost entirely numb, and if it wasn't for the random, electric shocks of fear that coursed along your veins, you would have become convinced that your emotions had shut down.

You used, with Gabby's permission, a small amount of both her shampoo and conditioner, and, once you decided that you'd used enough of their water, you dressed yourself in the clothes Greg had given you: a large, dark grey tee shirt with art of a monster from a horror game that you weren't familiar with, and a pair of sweatpants. Sweats usually weren't your thing, but who were you to deny their generosity? You had appeared at their house in the late hours of the night—they would have been perfectly within their rights to turn you away.

After your hair was dry (you certainly didn't want wet hair making you even colder), you emerged from the bathroom and were greeted by a bowl of tagliatelle and a hot chocolate.

'Thank you,' you murmured. 'I'm so sorry for showing up like that.'

Gabby gave you a kind smile, patting your knee. 'Don't worry about it. I'm glad that you came here instead of going off somewhere on your own. We can't deal with two missing people.'

'Didn't you say that the texts were going through?' Greg questioned. 'No more weird error message?'

'No more weird error message,' you echoed, 'but there's no response either. I tried calling him, but it just went straight to voicemail. I don't know if his phone is dead, or what.'

'Don't try and guess,' Gabby said firmly. 'You'll make yourself more and more upset. You have no idea what's really going on—none of us do until he comes home and tells us.' Her voice softened, and she scooted over and sat next to you. 'He will definitely come home, okay? He'll be fine, and he'll be safe.'

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now