The First Time I Kinda Believed

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You didn't tell EJ when you arrived at the station, and instead walked home alone, lugging the bag of textbooks with you. You had physically recovered from...whatever you had experienced on the phone, but it had left you feeling mentally and emotionally drained. You were ready to curl up and fall asleep on the forest floor, but the thought of your nice warm bed (and seeing EJ) was spurring you on.

Alois hadn't noticed the tear tracks on your face, so you had made an excuse to leave and hop back to the train station by yourself. It had helped that one of the newer scientists needed help with an experiment, and he was going to assist her, giving you the perfect opportunity to leave without making either of you feel guilty for abandoning the other.

When you arrived home, you discovered that the front door was (thankfully) locked, so you went in through the back. You poked your head around the doorframe, watching EJ stir you assumed was a casserole on the hob. His mask was off, and he was stood about a foot away from the worktop to prevent contaminating the food with any of the tar that oozed from his eye sockets.

In that moment, as you leant your shoulder against the doorframe, you felt...odd. It was the first time you had ever come home to someone who wasn't your parents or Socks, so you assumed that the sight of EJ in the kitchen would feel foreign, but it didn't; instead, it felt like comfort. Like the warmth of a hot chocolate drunk on a frosty winter night, it was the type of comfort that reminded you of 'home'—wherever it was.

(You were going to have to seriously reevaluate this feeling later on when you were alone. It definitely needed to be looked at with some logical thinking.)

'Hey,' you whispered, 'I'm back.'

EJ jumped, nearly flicking gravy everywhere. He turned to look at you, and stammered, '(Y/N)! I wasn't sure when you were coming back, so I started making casserole. Well, I think this is casserole anyway, I'm not really—'

He was cut off by the sudden pair of arms thrown around him. Resting your head on his shoulder, you gripped onto his hoodie in a similar way to how he had latched onto you not too long ago when he thought you were dead. It was a similar kind of desperation to feel him underneath your fingertips; to feel him breathe in and out, and to feel his pulse. More importantly, though, it reassured you that you weren't alone anymore. You had someone willing to help make dinner when he knew you'd had a bad day after crying on the phone to him—hell, he had even been willing to listen to you sob and helped you calm down

Maybe the trauma you both shared had brought you closer together.

'Did you miss me?' EJ asked in a lightly teasing tone, his arms finding their place around you.

You nodded into his shoulder, humming a noise of affirmation. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, feeling your muscles properly relax for the first time that day.

For a demon, he was surprisingly warm. It was as though you were hugging a large, human-sized hot water bottle that had just reached the optimum temperature for snoozing.

You didn't see, but EJ's eyebrow raised when he saw your eyes flutter shut, and he could feel blood rushing to his face. 'Hey, no falling asleep on me. I know you're tired, but it'll be better to sleep after you eat something.'

You groaned, shaking your head childishly, causing EJ to chuckle.

'Wanna sleep,' you mumbled, shifting your head to the side so your nose wasn't blocked by the fabric of EJ's hoodie. 'Tired.'


'Hungry too. Tired and hungry.'

'Then go sit down. I won't be long, alright?'

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