Ability Acquired: Existential Crisis

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You leant against the kitchen worktop, a scalding hot cup of coffee in hand. You were still mildly dazed from the bizarre encounter with No-Face, and, despite getting a full eight hours of rest, you felt like you'd pulled an all-nighter. EJ had noticed at once.

'I'm going to see my cousin today,' you said, swirling the contents of the cup, 'gonna pick some textbooks are up.'

'Don't you have work today?'

'Yeah, but Annalise isn't doing a Zoom call. She lost her voice at a concert, so she's just emailed us the work. I'll do it on the train.'

'Alright then. Want me to come with?'

'No, it's fine. I wanna surprise you.' In your state of tiredness, semi-lying to him felt easy.

'Oh.' Shit, did I upset him? 'That's fine. I'll wait here for you.'

'Are you sure?' you questioned, 'you don't have to stay in the house. You can go somewhere else, you know.'

His original form was glaring at you with a fiery determination. 'No. I like this place.'

He wouldn't admit the reason why he wanted to stay and wait for you. It was silly, really, but staying in made it feel like the two of you really were together. It made him feel like he was the patient and loving boyfriend waiting for his partner to come home. Of course, there was no relationship, but he could still pretend that someone wanted him around. (Perhaps he should cook you dinner for when you get home?)

'Alright, alright, don't get salty with me, you grumbled, downing the rest of your coffee. 'I'll get going, then. The eleven o'clock train leaves in a bit.'

He nodded. 'See you later, (N/N).' Decided to be a bit bold, he added, 'Call the landline when you get there. And when you're leaving. And when you get back to the train station.

You stifled a laugh, jokingly asking, 'You gonna sit by the phone all day?'

'Of course not.' Fuck they caught me.

'Good. See you later, EJ!'

Grabbing your coat, you threw it on as you pulled on your boots before jogging out the door, shouting another goodbye as you closed the door behind you.

It didn't take long to speed-walk to the station, and you were sat on the train before you knew it, working away on the details of JFK's shooting. 

You hadn't seen your cousin in person since your days at university. You were somewhat excited, and your leg vibrated constantly anytime you were sat down. You couldn't wait to hang out with him again.

From the station, you took a taxi to your cousin's workplace. You hopped out of the car, tipped the driver and hurried into the building, an arm over your head to stop the rain from dampening your hair.

The place your cousin worked at was strange and minimalistic, with hard flooring and garish white walls. The reception desk was tucked away in the corner, and your footsteps seemed to reverberate painfully around the foyer as you approached the lady sat behind the desk.

'Excuse me,' you began, 'I'm here to see Alois Braunbeck.'

The receptionist's eyes flicked over to you, and you could immediately tell she was pissed off by your very presence in the building. She opened her mouth and said, 'And what's your business here?'

'I'm coming to say hi.'

'Who are you?'

'(Y/N) (L/N). I'm his cousin.'

Her eyes turned back to the screen. 'Dr Braunbeck is not open for receiving visitors at this moment in time. Please come back in two-three months.'

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now