Welcome To The Trash House (AKA My Brain)

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'Please. If you don't mind.'

You couldn't believe what your mouth was saying. Why the hell were you spilling your guts to a guy you barely even knew—the guy you were supposed to be taking care of?!

Your uncontrollable mouth decided to ignore all screams of protest from your brain, telling Jack about how you struggled differentiating the attraction types, about how you weren't sure if you felt any romantic feelings for Socks or if they were strictly platonic. You told him that, yes, you definitely care about Socks, and that you couldn't imagine not being friends with them, but sometimes you worried that you were slowly destroying your relationship.

Jack listened carefully, not saying a word until he was sure you had finished venting. He had perched himself on the worktop now, his ever-attentive gaze still on you. It would be a lie if you said you didn't like him hanging onto your every word (something you had noticed him doing earlier); in fact, you quite liked it and how disturbingly familiar it was to you. It was different from the way Socks or your parents had ever listened to you before, and it felt...nice. It felt nice to know someone cared.

When you had finished talking, Jack stayed quiet for a little while before saying: 'Why don't you tell them that you feel more comfortable as friends? It sounds obvious, but if you word it a certain way when you break up, you can still keep them as a best friend.'

'Isn't that a bit manipulative, though?'

'Not really. I know you aren't the manipulative type of person, so it's not like you're doing this to be a bitch.'

You groaned, head falling onto the table with a dull thud. 'God, this is so complicated.'

'It is, but you can manage it.' Jack had nothing but patience and time to give. 'Why did you agree to go out with them? That might help you figure out if you really should end things.' Even though you should definitely end things and go out with me instead.

'...I would feel bad if declined.'


'Yeah.' You paused, not sure if you should mention the other reason. 'And...there was something else. Promise me you won't laugh, though.'

'I promise.'

It was a good job your head was down; you weren't sure if you could look him in the eyes. 'I felt like I was distracting myself. Like there was someone else that I loved, but couldn't be with for whatever reason. I don't know who that person was, but you kinda remind me of them.'

'How so?' Jack could feel his pulse skyrocketing, and he prayed that you were talking about him.

'I don't know how to explain it, but like, your existence and presence feel familiar, but some of my memories of the past few weeks have been really fuzzy, so I don't know if we met before or what. Oh my god wait, that sounded so creepy and weird I'm so sorry I didn't—'

'It's fine,' Jack said quickly, 'honestly.' Who was he to judge if you sounded creepy or not? After all, if this sense of nostalgia was a way for you to fall for him again, he would nurture and encourage it like a dying plant, day after day, watering it to ensure its survival. 

'It's because I haven't been sleeping for the past few days,' you rambled, voice shaking, 'and I always say too much when I'm tired, so—'

Once again, Jack cut you off. 'Have a nap on the sofa. This won't be done for a while yet, and I can tell you're exhausted.' Don't make me add a sleeping tablet to the potatoes.

'...is it really that obvious?'

'Yeah. It's fine, though!' He smiled and easily lied through his teeth. 'I won't do anything while you're asleep, if that's what you're worried about.'

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now