Where's Colin Firth When I Need Him Most

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The nearest town was only a ten minute or so walk down the road. A few days after dissecting the buzzard, you decided that you would venture down there, despite being (literally and idiomatically) a bag of nerves.

You weren't scared of the outside. You weren't scared of people, either, although that was debatable depending on the day. What you were scared of was crowds, because a busy street meant that you might see a few extra faces that shouldn't be there.

You knew exactly why you saw them. An incident when you were a child left you on the verge of death thanks to a being that you called 'No-Face,' and you awoke in the hospital with a fuzzy head, staring up into a face that shouldn't be stared at.

The grey-ish face was normal if you ignored the stitches that ran across his cheeks and neck, trailing down to the skin that was hidden under a striped scarf. His forehead was covered by a mop of brown hair, and a pair of bright green eyes looked down at you with mild interest.

You barely reacted. Blinking in silence, you held the man's gaze with confusion slowly building up inside of you. The face would change the longer you looked at it, like someone was flipping a switch in your eyes. The stitches would vanish, his skin wouldn't be grey, and his hair would tidy itself up. Then you would blink and it would return to how it looked before.

'Who are you?' you croaked out. 'What happened?' You could barely remember the events leading up to your admission, and all you could recall was an empty white face and long, abnormal limbs.

Your questions took the man by surprise, and he took a wary step back. Once you sat up, weak arms struggling to push yourself upright, he scurried away towards the wall like you were an infectious disease.

'Wait,' you begged, 'please don't leave me. I don't wanna be alone.' Tears welling up in your eyes, you waited for the man to either leave or speak.

Thankfully, he chose to speak. 'Can you see me?'

A nod.

'Can you hear me?'

Another nod.

'What's your name?'


'Okay. (Y/N). My name's Liu.' He seemed to regain some confidence and sat down on the chair to your left, giving you the most comforting smile that he could offer. 'A very nice lady is going to come talk to you soon and explain things. She might look a bit scary, but she won't hurt you, alright? Before she comes, though, I want you to make a promise.'

At the age of seven, you didn't really understand the severity of what was going on, but upon hearing the word 'promise' you said, 'I'm very good at keeping promises,' in the most serious voice you could muster, wiping your eyes to rid them of tears. The man's switching appearance was making you dazed.

'Good.' Liu held out his pinky. 'Promise me that you won't tell your parents that you saw me or the nice lady, or anyone that other people don't see. Can you do that?'

'I can try.'

'Good,' he said again. 'I'm going to stay here until the nice lady comes. If anyone else comes in, pretend I'm invisible.'

The man kept his word and stayed until 'the nice lady' arrived. She explained that you had been given a gift that allowed you to see through a veil that hid monsters from human eyes. She didn't expand on what the monsters were, but after doing an extensive amount of research a few years later, you realised that the monsters were the henchpeople of No-Face—things called 'creepypastas.'

Their existence became an unnerving second nature to you after a while, and it no longer came as a surprise when you watched a monochromatic clown suddenly gain colours so bright it hurt. All it meant was that you had to observe people a little closer in the hope of catching the 'switch' between what you called their corrupt form and original form.

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