In The Human League

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i havent stopped thinking about this pic since it got released. if he doesnt come home in 3.3 im gonna start a riot (15 pity, 94 wishes so far, not guaranteed. scara. please. im begging you.) /pos

Socks' appearance took you by surprise, and your face fell when they broke free of the crowd and stalked towards you, eyes hard and face decorated in the deepest frown you've ever seen.

'What're you doing here?' you inquired, tone sour and body turned away.

'Taking you home,' they replied curtly. 'Come on.'

'No. I'm having fun. If you want an argument, this isn't the place. Go back to the car.''

'I'm not looking for an argument.'

'Then why did you come here, hm?' you snapped. 'Just because you've taken offence to me bringing someone you don't like doesn't mean you can drag me home.'

Socks' grip on your wrist solidified and they began to walk away, dragging you with them. 'We can talk about this later,' they said.

'(Y/N) doesn't want to go,' Jack piped up coldly, 'so that doesn't give you the right to forcibly drag them away.'

'Shut up, you.' Socks glared at Jack with hatred you could never imagine them possessing. 'If you don't want me to go to the police about the "hobby" you had while you were missing, then don't try and interfere in someone else's relationship.'

'And what "hobby" would that be?' If it wasn't for the glaring lights above, you would have sworn that the corner grew a bit darker with Jack's tone. He pushed himself upright, hands in his pockets, looking, for the first time ever, downright terrifying.

Socks seemed unperturbed by this as they said, 'I can give the whole list, if you want.'

'Go on. I'd love to know what I was up to.'

'Murder, stalking, cannibalism...just to name a few. Not the type of things you want made public, that's for sure.'

You had never heard such bullshit. Jack hurting someone wasn't something you could imagine easily, and neither was stalking or cannibalism. He had been nothing but nice to you and everyone he met, and if there was something dubious about it, Greg would have said something to you by now—or you would have sensed it yourself. Bristling, you yanked your arm away from Socks, disgusted with their accusations.

You opened your mouth to say something in defence of Jack's character, but he beat you to it, seemingly unfazed by what had just been said.

'Do you have any proof?' he inquired. 'If I really did do these things, then surely some proof is needed, otherwise I'm going to end this conversation and politely ask that you leave.'

'I do, actually.' Socks pulled out their phone and, after some tapping, turned the screen around to reveal a grainy picture of a masked person, seemingly hovering over the camera. The mask they wore was a deep blue, with two eye sockets carefully carved out, not showing the face underneath. It looked just like the mask you had seen Jack wearing when he glitched out that one time when you first met him.

You frowned. 'And this proves what, exactly? This could just be a random guy. There's no way this is Jack.'

'This isn't really proof of anything,' Jack said with a laugh. 'Well, since you've tried to defame my character with potentially life-changing accusations, would you mind leaving? Quietly? This work event is for (Y/N) to enjoy themself and chat with their coworkers, so it would be quite a fucking shame if you ruined it.'

'Is that a threat?' Socks demanded, fists clenching.

'It's only a threat if you want it to be. Do everyone a favour and just...leave. It's that simple. Just turn around and walk out. Save this for another day.'

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now