Now Would Be A Good Time To Be Anyone But Me

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thank you to past-me for adding a picture in every chapter so i dont have to <3

On your first day of work, you were greeted by your boss, a kind lady called Annalise, and she said: 'Hey! I'm glad you found the link alright. Sometimes the new emails can be a bit funny.'

'Morning, Annalise.' You chuckled nervously. 'The email worked fine—I'm not late, am I?' The faces of your new colleagues were slightly disconcerting, and you wished that you had the ability to turn your camera off.

'Nope! We're actually just getting started. Everyone's here, so I think we're good to go.'

Including you and Annalise, there were eight people in your team, each with a different role for large projects like the one you were currently working on (though you'd heard it wasn't uncommon to have individual small projects for less important clients). There was Jingyi, Bobbie, Steve, Daithí, Essex, and Gia. You, Jingyi, and Bobbie were in charge of researching and compiling information, Essex and Daithí were the ones who removed any unwanted info, and Gia, Steve, and Annalise dealt with the formatting before it got sent off.

'So,' Annalise began, an excited glint in her teeth. 'This exhibition is focusing on the history of the LGBTIA+ community all over the world. If you don't like it, feel free to leave and work with Emily.'

The numbers in the call quickly dropped down to seven, signalling that someone had bailed. It was Steve.

Gia sighed, eyes filled with fake sadness. 'Goddamnit! I thought he was normal.'

'Whatever.' Bobbie shrugged. 'Bigot.

'Great, that's out the way. I was thinking that we could split it up by time period? What does everyone think? I have a list of time periods that are free, since David's team has already picked some.'

Jingyi was the first to choose an era. 'The 1800s would be nice,' she said. 'I can include Karl Heinrich Ulrichs and the Netherlands.'

'Am I alright with pre-colonialisation Africa?' Bobbie asked, staring at you through the screen.

'Of course!' You were left with a period of one hundred years (500-400BCE), but there was still plenty of information to include. 'This might be one of my favourite periods to talk about.'

'Awesome!' Annalise clapped her hands together in delight, a wide beam on her face. 'You three, try and get as much done by Friday, okay? Essex, Daithí, have a look through the brief that Tony sent out. Gia, help me get some template ideas ready. Remember guys: we want these people to feel empowered, not oppressed!'

Her energy was admirable, and you left the call with a buzzing excitement that made you eagerly chatty on the work group chat—which was rarely silent, with messages popping up every few minutes.

You knew that bulk research wasn't the way to go, so you chopped it up into bits, starting with the Greek deities and their implied sexualities before moving onto the Romans. With a plan in mind, you reached into once of your desk drawers, rummaging around for the notebook which was hidden under stacks of paper.

It didn't take long for the pages to be laid out the way you wanted to them, and, after scanning through multiple web pages, you were soon scribbling down notes that only you could understand. You didn't care what your notes looked like; they were going to be typed up anyway, so who really cared? Only the finished product mattered.

Your phone pinged, bringing you out of your frenzied writing, signalling that you had been mentioned in a message.


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