He's Like Art. Terrible Art, But Still, Art

351 20 14

forgive me i have no romantic experience

It was your idea that led to you and Jack sharing your bed. You knew that making him sleep on the sofa was beyond cruel, and when you mentioned that you would be sleeping on the sofa, Jack nearly dropped his drink. Sharing the bed was the best compromise you could come up with.

You never expected to have such a good night's sleep. You had never shared a bed with anybody before, so you had assumed it would be awkward, slightly stifled, and leading to an overall light sleep that would make you feel groggy for hours after.

Boy, were you wrong, and you felt like such a cliché.

Your alarm didn't go off that morning thanks to foresight yelling at you to turn it off the night before. You knew your internal clock would wake you up anyway, which it did, allowing Jack to stay asleep when you started work at nine o'clock. Or at least, you hoped he would have stayed asleep.

The moment your phone read '08:30' you slowly, slowly began to detangle yourself—slowly removing Jack's arm from where it was slung over your side felt like defusing a bomb, and you refused to let the sigh of relief escape you as his peaceful slumber continued...or so you thought. He was faking it. His hand gripped yours like it was a glove of iron, and, even though you couldn't see his face through the darkness, your mind conjured up the image of bleary, child-like eyes.

'Where're you going?' he mumbled, 'you're warm. Come back.'

'I've got to get ready for work. Go back to sleep, I'll come back when the call is over.' You squeezed his hand before it fell back onto the mattress. 'Do you want a drink bringing up? Some painkillers?'

The rustling of a headshake gave you the answer. After gathering some clothes from the drawer, you found Jack's hand again and pressed a quick kiss to the skin of his knuckles before you hurried out of the room and into the bathroom, where you went through your morning routine without further disturbing your sleeping partner.

Partner. Boyfriend. Lover. Significant other.

A smile enveloped your face as you changed into your clean clothes, discarding your pyjamas onto the chilly floor. Everything felt like a living dream. It was like you were a teenager again, and your brain had created a person that you had never met, whose name you would never be told, but the overpowering love you felt for them followed you through to your waking moments, haunting you like a revenge-fuelled ghost. But, you reminded yourself, it was all real. Nothing was fake. You were living in reality, awake, and you could carry on through the day while the warmth of the sun sat illuminated in your chest.

If you were to give this newfound emotion a colour or a texture, it would be the soft, pink-orange that filled the sky at the end of a sunrise. The gentle lilac of purple jade. The demure, snow-white squishiness of a marshmallow. If you could, you would extract this feeling from your core, store it in a bottle (several bottles if there was enough of it) and place it on a shelf. Whenever the feeling returned, you would put it in yet another bottle. Then another. Then another. Then another, until the floor was full of happy thoughts.

You spent the few extra minutes before the call scrolling mindlessly through the emails your poor inbox had accumulated over the last week. The most recent one (sent yesterday afternoon by Annalise) detailed the project your team had started working on while you were away: the two Peloponnesian wars in the fifth century BC. Which wasn't bad, considering that it could have been about Thomas Edison, and you did not have a good word to say about that guy.

When the clock struck nine, you quietly logged into the meeting and hoped that your overly enthusiastic coworkers wouldn't make a scene. You were only logging in to give confirmation that you were back at work and ready to receive your workload, so thankfully you didn't have to stay long, and when you joined, you had a quick conversation to reassure your coworkers that you were fine. Annalise told you what section you were in charge of, and you left minutes later.

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