Is This...?

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You opened your mouth to retaliate, but No-Face was gone and the conversation was over. There was no point yelling for him to come back, because he was a stubborn bastard and probably wouldn't listen to you.

Wordlessly, you threw your arms around Jack, your head tucked into the crook of his neck as you said: 'God, I fucking missed you.' It hadn't even been that long, but after being separated from him for an entire week, you didn't really want to leave his side ever again.

He laughed, the hand that was holding yours slipping out of your grip so it could be placed on your back as he returned your hug. 'I can't tell,' he replied teasingly. 'Do I get a kiss too?'

'I suppose.' You lifted your head and placed what was supposed to be a quick kiss on his lips, but Jack obviously had other ideas, because when you pulled away, he brought you right back for another, then another, then another.

In what was quite possibly his boldest move yet, he left your lips and planted an innocent and gentle peck on your neck, dragging a contented sigh from your lungs. He took that as a sign to continue, and he trailed up and down your neck and jaw while your forehead rested against his shoulder, eyes shut and mind blank. It was like you were floating on a cloud.

'I love you so much,' he murmured, 'so, so much.'

'I can't tell,' you said, echoing his words from not even a minute earlier. 'I've got something to show you.'

'Hm? What is it?'

'Can't say. Come on.' You pressed a final kiss to his cheeks before gently dragging him towards the car. 'I saw something driving home and had an idea, but I want to show you before I actually tell you what my idea was.'

'Now you're worrying me.'

You grinned as you opened the passenger side door. 'There's nothing to worry about. Trust me.'

Even though the drive wasn't that long, Jack used every second to try and pull the answer out of you, yet you swiftly deflected every advance and refused to give it away. The tiny voice in your brain was telling you that it was a horrible idea, but you knew you had to at least tell him your idea while in the perfect place.

'At least tell me what your idea was,' Jack said, his fingertips tapping against your palm as the anticipation started to eat him alive.

With a shake of your head, you said, 'Nope, cause that will give away the surprise.' Nearly there. 'Though, I do have a question to ask you. Do you remember the woman who drove you around after fighting Chernabog?'


'Yeah, her. Did she mention an antique shop to you?' One last corner.

'I don't think so, why?'

'Just wondering,' you said, sitting up a bit straighter as you scanned the street for a parking space that your car could squeeze into. There was one at the end of the road, which wasn't ideal, but it was better than walking all the way from your house. 'Can you manage the walk?' you asked as you helped him stagger out of the car.

'Yep. Thank you for letting me use the cane, by the way. It's a big help.'

'I thought it would be. What finally made you give in and go get it?' Hand in hand, you slowly led him down the street.

With a look that could only attributed to slight embarrassment, he said, 'I couldn't hoover properly. I thought that I'd do you a favour and tidy up a bit.'

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now