Can't Wait To Tell This Story To My Grandchildren

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(y/f/i) = your first initial

Tapping your foot, you spun a ballpoint pen between your fingers as you waited for Greg to show up. You were currently sat at a table in a café in the city where Greg lived. He wasn't late; your nerves made you early.

You had both decided that meeting up at Greg's house wasn't the best idea. Being somewhere with an easy escape route was the only way to soothe your nerves.

Pushing your drink to the side, you opened up the fresh notebook bought for the occasion. It was a decent sized spiral bound hardcover notebook with a simple geometric pattern on the cover, and a mix of plain and lined pages. You quite liked it.

A steal for only four quid, you reflected, paired with a smooth pen, senior-school-me would've loved this.

Letting out a small sigh, you turned your head to stare out of the window, resting your chin on your palm.

The outside wasn't that busy. Across the street at a bus stop, a woman in her twenties sat on a bench next to another woman who wore all black. Her eyes and hair were black, too. You recognised her as the woman who explained your new 'power' to you. You waved at her, and she waved back.

'Hey, (Y/N), right?'

You looked up, slightly embarrassed to be caught waving at what looked like nothing. The man from the newspaper article stared down at you, his hands in his pockets. He didn't seem to make a big deal of it.

'Yup, that's me.' You smiled, getting to your feet and offering him your hand. 'Nice to see you, Greg.'

'Nice to see you too.'

The two of you sat down and you ordered Greg a coffee.

'So,' you began, 'I've been doing some research.'


'Combined with the notes you sent me, I managed to understand a lot of different backstories, and I don't think any of them are the same as Jack's.' You paused. 'I mean, there's a few scientific experiments, but I'm pretty sure he's the only ritual formed one.'

'Does that increase our chances of bringing him back?' Greg questioned, tapping his forearm.

'I think so.'

'Interesting,' he mused, 'so since this Slenderman guy mainly scouts out his minions and makes them...whatever they are, Jack's could be reversed cause he didn't have as much influence as the others.'

You tried not to make your fear visible when its name was mentioned. 'Exactly,' you said, nodding. 'I think our best course of action is this.' You began to draw a flowchart in my notebook, hastily scribbling down the idea that had just popped into your head.

'Okay, so, our two main plans are probably to find out more about the ritual, and more about Jack and his life for the past few years.'

'I'm guessing I have to do the ritual stuff?'

'Yeah. Sorry.'

'No, no, it's fine. Only you can see him, so.' He shrugged. 'Can't help that.' He pulled a pen out of his own pocket and began to scrawl on the page.


'Do you know anything about the ritual already?' you inquired, 'if we have a starting point, it'll make it easier to start a search.'

Greg pondered on this question for a minute before nodding slightly. 'I don't know much,' he said finally, 'but I do know that they were worshipping something called Chernabog.'

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