Cue The Beat Drop

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Work parties as a whole were new to you, and you were pretty sure that, if they were made to be voluntary, you wouldn't go again. It was nice, but there were so many people that you were expected to introduce yourself to that after the first twelve, you were ready to go home and crawl under the quilt.

If it wasn't for your knight in suave suit, you would probably have excused yourself not even fifteen minutes after arriving.

As if sensing your discomfort, Jack stuck by your side from the moment he arrived at the venue. He easily extracted you from conversations and helped you avoid any tipsy coworkers who were in the mood for a long-winded chat about their new car, or the new class they were taking with their spouse. Whenever you were starting to lose energy, he would drag you aside into a quiet corner of the hall so you could recharge, keeping you hydrated with the non-alcoholic drinks that were floating through the crowd via hired waiters.

'You don't have to stay for the entire thing,' Jack pointed out, leaning against the wall and adjusting the collar of his shirt. 'I'm sure Greg won't mind if we say he's in trouble, or in the hospital or something.'

'I'll stay for a bit longer,' you said, determined to last at least three hours. 'Even if I just talk with you the whole time, no one can get pissy with me. I'm here, and that's all that matters. Where'd that HR guy go? He seemed pretty normal.'

Jack stood up a bit straighter, craning his neck to see over the crowd of heads. 'Over by the bar. The people he's with all look a bit uncomfortable, so maybe stay away from him.'

'Oh. That's a shame. I thought he was quite nice.'

'Hm, he looked odd from the start. Thought I'd have to get the bucket from the car.' He grinned.

'He wasn't that drunk, surely,' you laughed. 'I mean, he didn't smell of booze, did he?'

'I have no idea. With the amount of alcohol being served here, it's hard to tell who's wasted and who isn't. Have you ever been that drunk before?'

'Nope,' you replied. 'I've never had time for that. Between school and part-time jobs, I didn't have a spare day to spend recovering from hangover. You?'

'Me neither. A classmate of mine once got so drunk at a party that she got arrested for attacking an ambulance with a patient in it. She was fourteen.' Jack grimaced. 'That put me off it even more.'

'God, that sounds awful. That would put me off drinking forever.'


'Some of the stuff people drink doesn't even taste good, so I always get—wait, is that Gia?' You stood on tiptoes, squinting slightly to make out the figure of your coworker gliding towards you with an empty glass in her hand.

She was quite a tall woman, and her heeled shoes (plus the high-waisted skirt) made her even taller. With long hair that was tied into beautiful cornrow braids, every part of her looked elegant and carefully arranged. It was like an angelic artist had painted her and brought her to life.

'(Y/N),' she called out, not sounding drunk in the least. 'Oh, look at you! Aren't you a bonny little thing?'

'Thanks, you're looking really pretty too, as always' you remarked, feeling warmth rise up your face and ears. 'I'd like you to meet my friend, Jack Nichols. Jack, this is Gia. She's responsible for the final formatting and design of all the work that gets sent to clients.'

'Nice to meet you,' Jack said, a small smile on his face as he shook her hand. 'I hope you helped (Y/N) settle in when they first started working here?'

'Of course! They fit right in with our team. Look, (Y/N), I'm so sorry for not getting here earlier. I had to pick up some hormones from the pharmacy before they closed for a week. I would have kept you two company and kept all the weirdos away.'

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now