Mama, Just Killed A Man

434 27 4

she hiding (she also snoozing)

Jack had been quite happy riding his oxytocin high even after you left, yet it all came crashing down after his phone buzzed, leaving him gasping and ready to kill for more.

Mr Nichols,

Stay away from (Y/N), otherwise I'm going to tell them and the police about the stalking. They've agreed to cut contact with you while we work on our relationship, so don't make this harder then it already is. Just think of this as for them.


Jack was sure that he was going to combust. Why would you agree to cut contact with him after agreeing to date him? It didn't make sense. No matter how much he mulled it over, he always wound up at the same conclusion: it was an attempt of keeping you away from him.

He nearly ground his phone into microscopic metallic fragments. He knew exactly who the message was from, and it pissed him off to no end that they thought it was something they could get away with.

The first thing he did was go to your house, hoping that you were there to tell him that you were telling the truth at the party—that you loved him. He wanted to hear you say those words (out loud, this time), despite the fear that had since enveloped his being, telling him over and over again that you had lied to him, that you were laughing along with them at his misery. This desperation removed all rational thinking that would have normally entered his head when he discovered that you weren't at home.

His hands shook as he knocked on the door again, hurrying around the house to look in all the windows. Nothing. No lights were on, and you weren't responding to his text.

'Fuck!' In a fit of anger, Jack kicked the nearest object, which just so happened to be the wall. He ignored the pain shooting through his foot. In fact, he relished in it, because it was exactly what he deserved for letting his guard down.

He should have been bolder. He should have said something at the party, made you break up with them there and then before taking you home where he knew you were safe. If only he had been bolder, then none of this would be happening. He would have woken up with you—maybe even made you breakfast.

Someone cleared their throat behind him, and Jack whirled around, throwing the only thing within grabbing distance: a watering can. It sailed over Kagekao's head, clunking against a tree.

'You missed,' Kagekao commented. 'Is something the matter?'

Jack had never been so glad to see a demon. 'Yes! Kage, mate, please, I need your help to murder someone. It's important, a-and I can't do it alone without getting caught.'

'You want to commit murder? I was under the impression you were abiding by the law in order to date that human. (Y/N), if I recall correctly. Has something...happened?'

It took a few minutes for Kagekao to be brought up to speed with everything that had happened: the ritual, your lack of memories, Socks, and their strange personality shift.

'They were never ever like this before the ritual,' Jack said. 'It's like Chernabog altered something when he removed (Y/N)'s memories. Do you think he would do that?'

'I can't make any certain assumptions,' Kagekao mused, 'since I've never met the fellow myself, but from what I've heard, he likes his little games. This is probably one of them.'

'So if I find Chernabog, everything will stop?'

'It might do; why do you ask?' He folded his arms, eyes narrowing. 'Are you planning to confront him?'

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now