Not All Heroes Wear Capes

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'I don't want your soul,' Chernabog said simply, 'did you forget? Your soul isn't as valuable to me. The thing I want is your memories and emotions. They are far more useful to me.'

Your blood ran cold. 'My memories and emotions?'

'Yes. Any that relate to Mr Nichols shall be traded. Does that sound like a fair deal?'

Your immediate reaction was 'No, it's not a fair deal.' You didn't want to return home and not remember EJ or what your feelings were towards him. At least if your soul was taken, you wouldn't feel anything at all, but taking away your memories and scared you. You hadn't been prepared for this. But could you really turn back now? Even after seeing Rana be killed right before your eyes by him, you had remained determined to give EJ his life back.

You had to push your own feelings aside on the matter. It wasn't about what was best for you; it never had been. Even so, you opened your mouth and asked: 'Does it have to be both of them? Could you only take one and not the—'

'No compromises can be made on this, you insolent fool! You either take my offer, or you leave and never show me your face again unless you want to be burnt to a crisp.'

You shrunk back. 'O-Okay. Sorry. I was just thinking....sorry'

'I will give you time to think this through. Choose wisely, because unless I am feeling kind, you will be left with no emotional or mental recollection of Mr Nichols. There will be no déjà vu. There will only be emptiness.'

He had already made it perfectly clear that he wouldn't change any parts of the deal, so you had no choice but to accept, less your journey into his realm leave you fruitless.

'Fine,' you mumbled, 'I agree. Take them.'

Chernabog chuckled darkly and said: 'My, my, that was fast. I underestimated you. Very well. You will return to your world with little recollection of your dear friend. Things will be different, granted, but you will continue with your life as though the two of you had never met.'


'Hey, did you see about that guy who went missing a couple of years ago?' you asked, glancing down at your phone screen.

Socks' voice crackled through the speakers. 'No? What happened?'

'He suddenly appeared outside the police station. Had no idea where he'd been or what had happened since he disappeared. I think the article said he's living with his best friend or something.'

'Damn, that must suck. My memory's bad, but at least I don't have a few straight years missing.'

'Same. I've met up with the best friend a couple of times, actually. I'll have to ask him about it. I've told you about him before—Greg?'

'Oh, yeah! I remember you saying. Listen, you have to call him and see what's up. Then you tell me everything, got it?'

'Alright, alright,' you said in a sing-song voice, giggling slightly. 'I'll call him now, okay?'

'Yes! Go for it! See you later.'

'See ya.' You hung up on them, scrolling through your contacts and pressing the 'call' button under Greg's name. Waiting patiently for him to pick up, you were glad to hear his voice.

'(Y/N), what's up?'

'Hi, Greg! I just wanted to see how you were doing. I saw that your old friend is staying with you, and I just wanted to ask if I could do anything to help?'

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now