Caught Grinning at A Dead Body

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Seeing Jack's face through the crowd of festival-goers was like witnessing a doorway to Heaven opening and bathing the world in light. Your morning hadn't been what you had hoped, and getting to spend time with your new friend was a saving grace—something that had spurred you on when things had seemed bleak. It brought a smile to your lips as you waved in a bid to get his attention, calling out, 'Jack! Over here!'

His head snapped over to look at you, face breaking out into a grin, and he took several large strides over to where you were stood. When he was close enough, he gave you a quick hug before stepping away, hands burying themselves into the pockets of his waterproof jacket.


'Hey.' You beamed. 'I didn't make you wait for too long, did I?'

He shook his head, saying, 'I only got here a few minutes ago, don't worry about it. So, what's the plan?'

'Well,' you began, fiddling with your phone case, 'I was thinking of just having a walk on the beach front? It's probably a lot quieter there. Is that alright with you?'

'Sure. I've got a brolly for if it rains.'

'I have a hood.' You pulled up the hood of your coat, watching it flop over your eyes. 'See?'

Chuckling, Jack moved the hood up so it sat just right, his fingers brushing against your forehead as he sat the hood above your eyebrows, only for it to fall right back over your eyes, obscuring your vision of Jack's frown. It was only when he moved the hood again, finding the spot that kept it firmly in place, that you saw the look on his face.

It was the sort of look you would expect to see on a caring partner, who was concerned about their beloved catching a cold from the rain, or worried about them tripping with the limited vision that came with an oversized hood. It was the type of look you would expect Socks to give you, not a friend—yet all the same, it made you feel just as warm as what you assumed a gesture from a truly romantic relationship would make you feel.

You didn't shake the thoughts out of your head.

'Thanks,' you said. 'That thing's been bothering me for ages.'

'No problem. Wanna get going?'

You nodded, humming in agreement of his proposal. Linking his arm with yours, you held back the laughter that bubbled up inside your chest upon seeing what a state you had put Jack in with such a simple thing.


The beachfront was practically deserted.

A fine, yet overpowering fog had rolled in over the water, bringing a cold chill with it that made your eyes water at first. The dark, overcast sky threatened rain and storms, but it didn't deter you from having a nice fucking time.

'So,' Jack began, 'what kind of party are we going to?'

'From what I've been told, it's a semi-formal dress code in a hall the boss is renting out for the night. If I remember rightly, Annalise said that there's an open bar, so I'm pretty sure a lot of people are going to drink for the sake of drinking.'

'Semi-formal and full of drunkards. Got it.' He nodded with faux-seriousness. 'If anything happens, I'll protect you with my fancy clothes and the nearest glass of water.'

'Of course. We all know that drunkards are severely burnt by water,' you agreed, hardening your face as if drunkards were a real, grotesque creature that wrecked havoc amongst the town, instead of being a mild inconvenience if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now