A Crack in the Glass

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'Bitch, get your lazy arse up it is half past six. You promised we could go to and get some sunrise pictures.'

Groaning, your eyes fluttered open and you stared at Socks, silently daring them to stick the bag of ice in their hand on your face.

'You could've gone without me,' you huffed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

'But I don't know where I'm going.'

'And? You have a good sense of direction.'

'Yeah, in cities, but not here! C'mon, (Y/N), I'll cook breakfast if you come with me!'


'Promise, now hurry up! The sunrise will be gone if you don't hurry.'

You didn't bother getting dressed. Instead, you pulled on some fluffy socks, your big boots and a thick coat. Once your phone was safely tucked into your coat pocket, you led Socks out of the house and into the forest.

'What's the bag and spade for?' they inquired, gesturing to the two items you had picked up from the spare bedroom.

'Oh, I'm burying a rabbit I found outside,' you said casually, 'it died while I went to get something for it to eat.'

Socks let out a sad, 'Oh, poor thing.'

'I don't think it was in pain, though. Maybe ill, but I'm not sure. I'm not a rabbit specialist.' You shrugged.

'Wasn't there a myxomatosis outbreak here a few years ago?' Socks wondered, adjusting the strap of their camera bag. 'Wait, that only kills pets.' They let out a horrified gasp. 'What if it was someone's pet that escaped?'

'Nah, it didn't look like a pet bunny.'

'Are you sure?'

'I'm sure, Socks, don't worry about it.' You patted them comfortingly on the back. 'Pet or not, it's still getting a burial.'

Something moved in the corner of your vision, and you stopped walking, head snapping to the location of the bush that was quietly rustling a few meters away.

'Hey, (Y/N), you okay?'

Their words were faint; you were too busy staring at the bush to respond. There was someone there, hiding in the shadows, you were sure of it. You mentally ran through the (disappointingly short) list of people who knew were you lived which was, much to your irritation, mainly serial killers. Jane wouldn't hide, and neither would EJ—at least not in the way that would make you so paranoid. Liu didn't really come and talk to you nowadays, and...No-Face wouldn't appear. If it was Greg, on the other hand, he would have texted you to ask if you were free. This brought you to the conclusion that it was someone you didn't know.

Your once narrowed eyes widened in fear as the bush moved again. There was a flash of black and white as whoever it was ran swiftly to the right.

A hand fell on your shoulder, and you jumped at the sudden contact. Socks was looking at you with a concerned look in their light eyes.

'You okay?' they repeated, 'you kinda spaced out there.'

You forced a smile, forcing yourself to turn away. 'Yeah, I'm fine. Just thought I heard something.'

'You've been playing too many horror games, dude,' they said with a small laugh, 'there's nothing there.'

'I was just making sure,' you lied, 'been feeling on edge recently, so my brain wouldn't shut up until I looked.' You tried to make a joke out of it, but the worry on Socks' face seemed to double.

'Again?' they demanded, demeanour changing instantly, 'have you told the police?'

'What? No.'

'You should. This isn't the first time you've felt like this. Remember what happened last time?'

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