I Call Shotgun (Said The Dead Man)

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potential spoilers for the Evillious Chronicles

It was a good job that you'd passed your driving test with a manual car and not an automatic, otherwise you would be screwed.

The only noise during the journey was the occasional orders from the satnav telling you where to go. Neither you or Eyeless Jack said a word to each other. Which might've been a good thing, if the awkwardness was to be discounted. You didn't want to look like a weirdo, after all, because people don't usually look to the empty passenger seat when they're on a phone call.

The silence let you both think your thoughts, which were frighteningly similar, yet different.

Your thoughts went a little something like this:

Why the hell am I sat here in a car with him? All he has to do is grab the wheel and crash into a ditch or a tree or another car—there's so many opportunities to kill me. Jesus...I really need to start thinking these things through.

Being sat with a serial killer gave you the creeps. It reminded you of a time at university, back in your first year, when you temporarily moved in with Socks for a few weeks. Someone had ransacked your room, leaving everything disorganised. Before that had happened, you'd felt eyes watching you, as though a ghost had been watching you.

Nothing had been stolen from your room except your comfort hoodie. It left you baffled and you didn't feel safe for weeks.

You shuddered slightly at the memory. No good thinking about those things, you chided, grip on the wheel tightening, it's in the past. You're safer.

Eyeless Jack noticed you suddenly tense up and bit back an, 'Are you okay?' Instead, he continued to stare out the window and at the road ahead, glancing to his right every few minutes.

It was strange being in a car again, and he wasn't exactly sure he trusted the other drivers.

For three in the afternoon, he thought, it's surprisingly busy—oh, it's a Saturday. Never mind.

Feeling a bit bored of the silence, you reached for your phone and picked a random song from your playlist.

'I hope you don't mind,' you said. You got no reply, so you assumed that he was asleep or flat-out ignoring you.

The singer's voice filled the car and you tried not to hum along with her. She had a wonderful singing voice, and the songs she covered were usually ones you liked.

It took Eyeless Jack a while to realise music was playing. As the song was about to reveal that Kayo murdered people, his ears suddenly tuned in.

'Scissors, not scissor, my mother would say to me,' he echoed in time with the song, 'like a man and his wife teamed for eternity.'

You turned to face him, confusion and delight on your face. 'You know this song?'

'Yeah. I listened to it once or twice.'

'Once or twice? You can pick up some of the lyrics after listening to it once or twice? Impressive.'

'I-It's not that impressive,' he croaked, caught off-guard by the compliment, 'I just...pick things up easily.'

'Tch, showoff.' Focusing on the road ahead as a large roundabout loomed in front of you, you held out your phone for Eyeless Jack to take. 'Here.'


'Jack, just take it,' you urged.

He gingerly took your unlocked phone and asked, 'Why?'

'Pick some music. The school is only about twenty minutes away, but that doesn't matter. I trust your taste.' You flashed him a grin.

It took him a moment to find the album that appeared in his mind. He had no idea how he knew the name of the artist, or what the album cover looked like. He just...knew. The only song he'd ever searched for was 'Tailor Of Enbizaka' when he first heard it, and that was on a completely different music service.

It didn't help that this was your phone, full of your thoughts, interests, and secrets. Holding onto something so personal was almost like holding onto your heart. It made his hands shake.

'Oh, I know this one!' you exclaimed when the music starting playing, 'this is Pierce The Veil, right?'


'God, I haven't listened to them in years,' you said, 'my best friend, Socks, listens to them all the time.'

'Why did you stop listening to them?' Eyeless Jack questioned.

'I just vibed with different things,' you answered with a slight shrug, 'Tailor Of Enbizaka being one of them. I just liked how it played out, y'know?'

'I get what you mean. The buildup to the big revelation near the end is pretty good.' Thank God I did so much research on it. 'What do you think of Kayo's story?'

'I honestly feel really bad for her. Losing your husband and son must suck, and then finding out that the arsonist was alive? I'd feel pretty pissed too.'

'Agreed. It must've been agony to see the man who ruined your family have a happy one of his own. I don't blame her for killing them all.'

His words sent a shiver through your body, and you swallowed nervously, your throat dry. Hearing those words from a murderer was not what you would want to hear.


The university was larger than you expected. When you pulled up in the almost empty carpark, you found that Greg had sent you a list of places to visit.

The library, some bench, their old dorm. Sounds do-able.

'Right!' You hopped out the car, and Eyeless Jack did the same. 'Where do you want to start?'

'Uh, wherever.' He glanced around, trying to see if the buildings alone were enough to trigger a memory—any memory. He didn't care what he remembered, he just wanted to remember something.

'Jack? Are you okay?'

Your voice pierced through his brain and he flinched.

'Y-Yeah,' he stammered, 'I'm fine. Would it kill you to call me 'EJ' instead?'

'Oh, sorry. You coming?' You waved your phone, an excited grin on your face. 'I've got a map.'

wow, inspiration, i didnt see you there

if any of y'all already know about Oktavia's cover of Tailor Of Enbizaka i will be very happy cause barely anyone i know has listened to it. it's one of my favourite songs cause it's one i can sing comfortably without stressing too much about note lengths and vibrato.

gravity fun fact time that no one asked for:

songs i can sing pretty well: Tailor Of Enbizaka, Diagnosis: Lovesickness, Psychogram, Spice!, hated person's song, FPS, Hate it! Hate it! Huge Ego!


here's the link of anyone wants it btw

- k.

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