I'm Bitter And I Won't Stop Whining

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'Well,' EJ said with a sigh as he collapsed into the passenger seat, 'that was pointless.'

'It wasn't that pointless,' you argued, resting your head against the steering wheel. 'Whatever's stopping you from remembering things must be pretty strong. But that's okay!' You sat up, bringing the car to life. 'You'll get there.'

It doesn't help that the security guard chased us out, but oh well.

'I want to see Greg.'


'I want to see Greg,' he repeated, 'you said he was my best friend.'

'Well, yeah, but—'

'But what?'

You bit your tongue, shaking your head. 'Nothing.'

It was getting dark as you slowly followed the traffic, too tired after running away from the security guard to speed.

'Turn right at the junction,' EJ said suddenly, reaching over to flick on the indicator.

Wordlessly, you did as he said and turned right onto a small, quiet country road, causing the satnav to momentarily freak out.

'Is this a shortcut?' you asked.

He shrugged. 'Kinda. It's never as busy as the main road.'

'Have you been down this road before?'

'I killed someone here, I think. So, when can I meet Greg?'

'Um, whenever you want and whenever he's free, I suppose,' you said, trying to ignore the sinking anxiety in your chest. 'I can message him later and see when he's got a day off if you'd like?'

'That sounds good. You'll have to come with me, though.'

'Don't worry, I will.'

EJ stared at you, frowning slightly under his mask. Your eyes looked tired and defeated, as though you could burst into tears at any moment. Did the security guard's actions affect you that much? It confused him—did you want to help him so badly? Why would anybody care about him, a man dead to the world, to such an extent?

'Hey,' he said in the gentlest tone he could muster, 'are you okay?'

'Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine,' you replied, internally cringing at the pathetic excuse of a lie.

'(Y/N), don't lie to me. Are you okay?'

You sighed. 'No,' you admitted, 'I'm not. I'm pissed off.'


'Because you didn't remember anything. I'm annoyed that it didn't work, and you're still clueless about your life before the ritual. I'm not mad at you,' you added quickly, 'I just...argh!' In a momentary fit of rage, you slammed your hand down on the steering wheel, feeling your anger dissipate almost immediately. 'Ah...sorry about that.'

'Don't apologise. Pull over, I'll drive.'

You stopped the car in a nearby lay-by. When you got out the car, you stretched, groaning as some of your joints popped. 'That feels better.'

'I don't mind if you sleep for the rest of the journey,' EJ said, 'I won't do anything.'

'I know, I know. I'll try and sleep for a bit.'

Surprisingly, EJ was a pretty good driver. He drove a little bit too fast for your liking, but it wasn't anything that caused you to feel unsafe as you curled up on the passenger seat.

And then you found out how good the brakes were.

It wasn't long after EJ had taken the wheel, and just as you were about to drift off, he suddenly swerved off the road to the left, throwing an arm out to keep you safe as he slammed on the brakes. You jolted awake, all traces of drowsiness gone, as your eyes darted around, panicked. About a metre in front of you—maybe even less than that—was a large tree that would've caused more than a dent in the car's bodywork.

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