And Here It Is, Our Final Night Alive

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Apparently, when you date someone for one thousand and ninety-five days, it becomes more and more natural when time goes on. You no longer worry about appearances, or what the other person may think. You become so comfortable around them that it feels like you've known them for your entire life.

It was a step up from the calmness you had experienced at the start of your relationship, but the change was a welcomed one. The outside world could have been burning down, but as long as your house stayed intact, with you and Jack in it, then the apocalypse was a challenge that could be overcome.

You learnt to ignore the times when items from your garden went missing—the wheelbarrow, the shovel, the chicken was just a unique quirk of your relationship. Whenever they went missing, you knew that you had to spend a little extra time with your partner. (Although, you had mentioned that whatever he was doing with the tools was probably a bad idea, and that he needed to come to you whenever the snake of jealous reared its emerald head. So far, you hadn't noticed anything vanishing for one hundred and twelve days.)

Depending on your mood, you spent your working days at home, or at the café. If Jack was there and it wasn't too busy, you claimed your table in the corner and paid for anything you purchased like a regular customer. At first, Jack had hated taking your money, but you were persistent, and he eventually gave up trying to protest. The money would end up in the café's income regardless of what he said.

The day you went down—one thousand and ninety three days after you had sat in the kitchen with Jack, Greg, and Gabby—was a quiet one. It wasn't empty. Just quiet. When you walked through the door, you counted thirteen people sat inside with their respective beverages and foods. There was a group of five sixth form students sat in the corner, using their 'roaming hour' to chat excitedly about a new video game. A mother and her child were sat two tables across from the students, sharing a large platter of vegetables, small sandwiches, and bite-sized cakes that would generally be found in an afternoon tea set. The other six were sat on their own, but you got the impression that two of them wanted to talk to each other but weren't sure how.

You greeted the server as you made your way to the staffroom at the back, where you knew Socks was waiting for you.

'I have arrived,' you announced, not wasting any time in sitting opposite them. 'It's so cold.'

'Should've worn thicker clothes,' they retorted. 'How're you doing?'

'Alright, I think. How's the course going?'

Socks stared down at the thick textbook that was next to their notebook, and they grimaced. 'Fun,' they said. 'I like the sketching, but there's so much info I feel like my brain is gonna implode. And then leak out of my ears.'


'Not here! If my brain was going to leak out of my ears, I'd make sure to go outside.' They frowned. 'Wait, would I even know if my brain is going to melt and leak out of my ears?'

You held up your hands with your fingers in a claw-like position and asked, 'Wanna find out?' as you reached forwards.

'I'm alright, but thanks for the offer!' Socks said, leaning back in their chair. 'I'll keep it in mind. Change of subject...have you and Jack got any plans for today?'

'Not anything specific—just a chilled night, I think. Why?'

'He mentioned this morning that it's your three year anniversary. I thought you'd be doing something nice.'

You shook your head. 'We just like being at home together. Nothing fancy and nothing expensive.'

'What's not fancy or expensive?'

Eyes of the Divine  (Yandere!Eyeless Jack X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now