Chapter 7: Too Much.

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It's been three days since Sujin last saw Seojun. It's been three days since she spoke to Suho, and three days since she saw Jugyeong.

In those three days she has picked up every overtime shift she could, all in an attempt to have some money saved up to fall back on. She'd managed to earn enough to not only cover five months rent from now, but also food for a month.

She also had been in contact with Seojun's mom.

After getting Seojun's phone set up, she did sneakily memorize his mother's number and added it into her phone as well. It had started with a simple text of "If your family needs anything. Let me know."

Soon, Seojun's mother was meeting Sujin when they both had coinciding lunch breaks. She would bring soup and enough rice balls to take home and freeze- ready to heat up on days she didn't feel like cooking.

Sunday's she got up at six am, walked to work (Saving money by not using the bus) and made it into work by seven thirty. She was working two shifts today, and wouldn't be home until eleven pm. (Each shift was eight hours.)

It's still bitterly cold outside, and some businesses still have Christmas lights up. Sujin secretly wonders if Seojun did anything for Christmas. It was the second week in January, and she knew his mom didn't have time for Christmas this year... But did Gowoon or Seojun?

Sujin pulls the collar on her coat up over her neck and jawline, her shoulders shivering a tad from the lack of warmth. Even the sun was missing today, thick strips of dirty gray clouds hiding all that was pretty in this world.

"Morning." Mina, the woman who worked the night shift- yanks her apron off and hangs it up on the wall next to her. "We're getting a shipment of syrups in at ten."

"Thank you." Sujin bent over the counter and signed in her name and logged the time, dreading the long shift to come.

The university Sujin wanted to go to didn't offer free housing, and they also didn't start classes until March. She had a few months to save up for both her tuition and rent.

The customers come and go, rain pitter patters on the roof and splashes up against the windows. Seojun's mother comes in right at one fifteen, her lunch break as always.

"Sujin-ssi, when is your break today?" Ms. Han smiles through a weathered face and lifts up her basket of foods she had made. "Also, I'll take a chai latte please."

"Four twenty seven." Sujin held her hand out to take the money.

She turns to the coffee press and begins to follow the small recipes written down next to it. She hurries to make the latte and pours it in one of the prettier cups they have set up.
"Thank you." Ms. Han took the cup and moved to a nearby table, "When is your break?"

Sujin eyes her watch, "Ten minutes from now."

"How is the new apartment doing?" Han asks with a sip of her latte, she was the only person Sujin had disclosed the address to, knowing her father would rather die than speak to the Han's.

"Well it's easy to keep clean with no furniture." Sujin lets out a small laugh and totals up the money she's made from the last few hours.

When the ten minute mark rolled around Sujin sat across from Ms. Han and cracked her neck side to side. "How is the billing situation?"

"Aish..." Ms. Han pulled out small tupperware containers with rice, Kimchi, broth and Tteokbokki, "Rehab costs eighteen thousand dollars a week. The hospital bills were all covered but... These rehab costs are going to bury us. With Seojun not working or getting his modeling pay, and our rent, I don't see us making it to the end of the month."

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