41. Scandal

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A/N: Song vibe for the last half of this chapter "Wish I loved you in the nineties" By Tate Mcrae. Bc I feel like that song describes how the relationship between Sujin and Seojun is. They can't be themselves bc of the media. It would've been so much easier in the nineties.


Seojun was there at her side throughout the entire night. Gas pains? He was there, ringing the nurse for medication to help. Nausea? He held her hair back and pressed a cold cloth to her forehead. Body aches? He held her close, rubbed her head and told her funny stories of things he and his band members do in the dorms. No matter what she needed, he was there. And even though she scolded him that he needed to sleep, needed to rest, he would just tell her he slept earlier and he was fine.

At ten am Sujin had to get up and walk one lap around the nurses station. Walking was supposed to speed up her recovery time, it was already Sunday morning, and she was supposed to be discharged tomorrow if everything went well today. She had slept all day Saturday and only remembered bits and pieces. She knew Seojun seemed overly stressed, but she had chalked it up to him being worried about her. Maybe she was selfish, but it felt nice... It felt nice for someone to worry for her, to want her well and safe. It was a new sensation, and she enjoyed it. She enjoyed him kissing her and calling her baby, darling, love. She loved how his face melted when he heard her voice.

"The catheter hurts." Sujin grunted as she looped around the nurses station. Seojun had to stay back in the room to avoid being seen, but his guard stayed close by Sujin, even though she didn't know him well, he offered her a warm smile and cheered her on.

"I'll ask about having it removed in the next hour. We just need you to be able to walk to the bathroom and pee on your own." The nurse explained. Her hair was tied back in a tight bun and her face mask covered everything except her eyes and sparse eyebrows, but her eyes scrunched up like she was smiling.

She makes it back to the room and then looks at the nurse, "If I manage another lap can we remove the catheter now?"

"I don't see why not."

Sujin turns to walk again.

When she's back in the room, Seojun excuses himself to Sujin's private bathroom, that way she could have privacy while the catheter was being removed. It pinched and pulled, and Sujin jerked and gasped once it was removed, but suddenly all the pressure down there was gone. Relief.

"I'll need to see you get up, walk to the bathroom, sit down and come back." The nurse says.

Once Sujin does so, she promises to call if she has any issues relieving herself, and she's finally allowed to lay back in bed, Seojun coming out.

"One thing down." Seeojun smiled and felt the bed for her hand. Sujin slips it under his and he brings it to his mouth. "Gotta have a bowel movement now."

"Oh God-" She facepalmed, "I can't believe we're at this point in our relationship."

"So much for going slow." Seojun nods, "Life had other plans for us, I guess."

"I think we bypassed all the dating stuff and went straight to a married couple."

"Kinda hard to have an average dating experience when your boyfriend is famous and has to hide literally everything." Seojun sighed, then shook his head, "I shouldn't be complaining, this is a good thing... You're recovering."

Seojun's phone buzzes and he pulls it from his pocket and holds it up to his ear. "Hello? Jeongin- hey slow down- what?"

Sujin could see Seojun's frame tense and grow straighter and more rigid the more Jeongin spoke to him. He nods, then says, "Shit... Okay. Yeah- I know, Jeongin. I'm not stupid."

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