Chapter 25: Call.

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Tuesday Seojun tries texting her.

Seojun had given Sujin the weekend to give him time to cool off, Sujin too. He couldn't understand how the hell she had gone from being his biggest supporter to this... This person who dared to tell him to not speak up. How could he not? If he was supposed to represent an entire community, he had to be honest.

Sure no one told him he had to represent the community, but Seojun knew how people worked. Anything he says, will be used to stigmatize everyone. He could say that he doesn't like using a cane, and suddenly blind people will be getting questioned about why they think they need one when he doesn't. He was in the spotlight now, and anything he said would be used against more than just him.

Seojun also didn't bother to tell the boys what happened, he wasn't one to air grievances to others like this. Annoyed or not, he wasn't going to bad mouth Sujin, even if he did think she had the stupidest idea ever.

He would not build the foundation of his fame on lies and allow himself to be softened down for other's comforts. He would remain as sharp as a blade, and anyone who got cut on him could deal with the repercussions.

But he did end up texting her. Because while he was still pissed, and still thought Sujin was suffering some kind of lapse in judgment, he still wanted to talk to her, he still wanted her around.

Seojun: Did classes go okay today?

Sure, it probably wasn't the best way to start a conversation after fighting, but Seojun had to be on vlive in ten minutes and he didn't want to risk starting another fight and being moody.

Sujin: Oh wow, your highness has graced me with his presence.

So clearly she is one to hold grudges.

Seojun rolls his eyes and hisses at the phone when it reads the text message back at him. He needed to be in a good mood, he couldn't let this make him mad, he couldn't let the public see him like that.

Being a rookie meant having to lie sometimes, having to toy around and pretend to be grateful and okay, it was one of the ways to build your fanbase. Things didn't always rely solely on your talent, fans wanted to see your personality, and if they didn't like it, they would be scared off.

Seojun: I take it you're still mad.

Sujin: You don't even realize what you said to me, do you?

Sujin took no time to reply, so Seojun didn't either.

Seojun: What about what you said to me? That was insulting, Sujin.

Sujin: Yeah, and you were nothing but nice, right?

Seojun: Seriously?

"Hey, Minjae hyung is setting up the camera." Heejung stepped over to Seojun as he sprawled out on the practice floor. "You good?"

Seojun cuts his phone off and turns it on Do Not Disturb, he grabs his water bottle nearby and takes a long gulp before nodding, his face tight from scowling. "Yeah, what's the theme of this one?"

"Just answering questions and giving out our schedule for this month."

That would take thirty minutes at most, Seojun could try calling Sujin after this.

"Sounds good, I've been meaning to do a vlive of my own, maybe next week?"

Heejung hums in a deep tone. He grabs something from his bag and crinkles the wrapper on it before crunching. "You haven't done a Vlive alone yet, have you?"


"Maybe we could tape out a space on the floor so you know what is on camera and what is off? So you're not out of frame? You can feel tape, right?"

"I can with my hands, yeah." Seojun would most likely be sitting on the floor during the Vlive anyways. "And I can film on the work phone, and read comments off of my phone so the speech thing doesn't jam stuff up."

"Minjae got a lot of crap a few days ago by the media manager for the whole dispatch thing." Heejung whispered so no one else could hear, even Seojun had to strain to make out his words. "We're supposed to lay low and act grateful for the next few weeks, and then reassess the situation."

"I can't wait until we're like a year old or something." Seojun announced, "If BTS clapped back at ignorant interviewers, they'd be revered. God Forbid I call someone out on their shit though."

"Easy tiger." Heejung said lightheartedly and stood up, come on, let's go.

After the Vlive, Seojun did call Sujin, she didn't answer, so he called again. And again.

By the fourth attempt, she picked it up with a hasty "What?"

"You do realize how incredibly petty you're being, right?" Seojun asked, laying back against the cold practice room floor. "I'm trying to have a conversation with you."

"If it involves you saying stuff like you did Friday, I don't want to hear it."

"You have to admit you weren't innocent either."

"I was just trying to help." Sujin said lowly, there's no noise in the background, the other side of the call is dead silent.

"I didn't ask you to help." Seojun inhaled deeply to try and stop himself from shouting again. He didn't need to make this already dramatic argument worse.

"No, but you're going to get the entire band in trouble if you don't tone it down."

"Why does that matter to you?"

"Excuse me?" Her voice squeaked, "I don't know, maybe because it's my boyfriend's dream? Maybe because I'm friends with his members? Maybe because I care? But that doesn't matter right? Because why would you take advice from the likes of me?"

Seojun's body went cold. He didn't even realize that's what he had said Friday night. He just said whatever came up in his mind, not paying attention to how it sounded. But still, it was true, Sujin wasn't famous or in a band, why should he take her advice?

"That's why you're so pissed." Seojun laughed to try and hide the fear flooding him, what if he had screwed this up? What if he loses her? "Because I said that? Sujin, you don't know what it's like to be famous, so why would I listen?"

Silence, a sigh, and then a small voice. "That's what you meant by that?"

What had she originally thought? What else would that statement mean?

"Yeah. You aren't famous, you haven't dealt with the public or interviewers talking badly about you and using you for pity points. So why should I follow your so-called advice?"

"Oh." She smacked her lips, "That is... Not how I interpreted it."

"Seeing as you have clearly painted me to be a villain, what did you interpret it as?"

"It's not important." She gulped, her voice had grown shakier, like she was beginning to lose control. "I need to go."

"Sujin, don't do this." Seojun's stomach instantly dropped, a sinking weight filled his entire body up, fearing this was her way of walking away. "Just talk to me."

"No, no." She squeaked, "It's fine, It's not related to this I just- I gotta go."

The phone clicked, and Seojun knew she was still lying. She wasn't fine, and he knew something had triggered in her. He knew how Sujin worked, when something became a little too close, forcing her to be a little too vulnerable, she panics. She leaves, ghosts and disappears.

Seojun couldn't think of anything worse than that, and so he texts his manager, feigning a family emergency, and goes to find his driver.

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