43. Dirt.

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Thankfully Heejung dressed in completely different clothes than usual. He also had just dyed his hair from red to dark brown again. His appearance was less noticeable, so he slipped a mask on his face and walked in the direction of the hospital. He couldn't risk taking the Subway or the bus. Even though they weren't extremely close, he still worried for Sujin. She worked hard, she was nice, and she brought them food all the time.

The hospital's scent stings his nose hair even through the mask. Heejung found himself curling his face up in a tight and stern expression as he walked down the halls. The reception lady was on the phone, so it took several minutes for her to tell him where Sujin's room was.

Her door was cracked open slightly, so he leans in and knocks twice, popping his head in through the door. "It's me." He says, then clarifies, "Heejung." He said his name much lower and softer, eyes darting around the hall to check for any reactions from other visitors or patients.

"Hi." Sujin sat up in her bed, her hair up in a messy bun and her puffy face looked tear stained.

"Oof," Heejung stepped in and shut the door, closed the blind of the one window that looked out over the nurses station, and took his mask off. "I take it you saw on twitter."

"They know who I am." She motioned to her phone which was sitting on the table over the bed.

"They can't prove you're with Seojun without a doubt though."

"They saw the rings."

"A blurry pixelated photo. As long as one of you doesn't wear the other for a while, it'll be fine. It's not like there's photos of you guys kissing or having sex. They can't prove anything."

Heejung sat down in the recliner next to the window and looked over at Sujin, "Seojun told me you can leave tomorrow."

"Hurrah." She laughed weekly, "and I can get back to work, at a company that will probably grill me over the photos with Seojun."

"They won't. They already grilled us all morning, Seojun covered it up well."

"Yeah, I saw that." Sujin turned her phone on again, "Not fond."

"He had to say that, he can't just say "She was a friend from school" because that'll have even more people looking into it."

"I know." She looked down at her phone, from here Heejung could tell she was looking at Seojun's twitter. She sighs, likes his tweet, then looks at Heejung again. "Wanna tell me why your eye is bruised?"

Heejung's face pales, "You didn't see it?"

"What? Is there a video of you curb stomping someone?" She laughed.

"The name Kim Hasung ring any bells?"

Sujin's entire form shifted. She shut her phone off and looked at her feet. Her face was red, eyes shifty, glossy like she wasn't all here. "What did he do?"

Heejung pulled the lever on the recliner so he could lay out, getting comfy. Hasung had managed to slam Heejung down against a table, smacking his shoulder on it, and it was aching. "Tried to slander you, called you nasty names online, said he knew you."

Sujin meets Heejung's eyes, her lips parting like she wanted to speak, but she couldn't say anything.

"None of us believe him, don't worry. Sikhyun and I took care of him."

"Sikhyun got involved?!"

"He's fineeeee." Heejung waved a hand, really, Sikhyun was more than fine, he nearly cracked Hasung's skull in. "Tiny bloody nose and lip. He's okay."

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