Chapter 12: Understanding.

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After valentines Sujin had spent her nights mentally berating herself. She let herself get too open with Seojun, too vulnerable. She hinted at liking him, wanting him, and it sucked because she wasn't even sure herself what she felt for him.

She hated Seojun for so long. But whenever she asked herself why, all she could come up with was "he's too similar to me."

And he had no excuse to be as cruel as Sujin was. He had a loving mother, a great job (at the time he was a model) and girls falling all over him. He didn't have to worry about grades or honor.

Yet he still had the same personality that Sujin formed as a survival mechanism.

What had kids calling her "cold" and "odd" he had, and kids were calling him "cool" and a "tsundere."

He was a leader while she was bossy.

It wasn't fair.

It also wasn't fair how he didn't even try, yet still had dozens of girls primping themselves just for him to look at them. Sujin hasn't even had a boyfriend, much less a guy look at her with want.

But it wasn't enough reason to hate him. If you hate someone, you don't become obsessed with their every move.

She thought she hated Seojun after he began bullying Suho. But even then, she was stalking his Instagram, watching him in class and eyeing him whenever he looked at Suho.

She told herself she was being protective.... But being protective of who?

They board the elevator and Sujin's cheeks are burning bright red, even the skin is tingling. She agreed to walk with Seojun for many reasons.

One, she couldn't just say no in front of his mom; who had been nothing but kind to her.

Two, she felt she owed him an explanation for valentines night. She blew up at him and while he deserved it, he was probably very confused.

Three, she can't figure out how she sees him unless she spends more time with him.

Four, she had to admit... the jerk had grown on her. She wanted to make sure he was genuinely okay. He may be an ass, he may deserve pain, but he didn't deserve this. And he doesn't deserve to hate himself.

"What do I talk about?" Her voice is dry, she was picking at her nail beds, and she couldn't even look Seojun in the eye.

She had to talk so he could keep up with her, but... talk about what? It seemed too soon to just start discussing the events that have happened between them.

"I don't know. Your favorite tv show?" He scratches the back of his head, silver bracelets appearing against his tan skin, his sweater slid up around his wrists, making him push them back down.

"I haven't watched TV in so long, I don't even know what shows are popular anymore."

"Because you've been working so much?"

The elevator dings and she steps off, waiting for Seojun who was only a beat behind her.

"I'm working less now. That clothing store you and jeongin met me in? They pay better than the cafe so I'm only working two to three days a week now."

"What hours were you working at the cafe?"

Sujin hums "take a right in five steps." She adjusts her parka and looks ahead. "I was pulling two shifts a day every other day, and one shift a day on the days in between."

"Is working that much even legal?" He asks with a bite to his voice, though Sujin isn't sure why.

Why would he care if she worked herself into the ground?

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