Chapter 1: The Accident

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Seojun was definitely the second stupidest boy in all of South Korea. Who runs after their ex friend, into the middle of a busy highway, when oncoming traffic has the green light? Granted, the first stupidest boy in all of South Korea would definitely have to be the ex friend he ran after; Suho.

That song though, there was no reason why it should have ever been released, much less playing on a radio at his latest modelling gig. Seyeon never fully recorded the song before his death, he'd only been halfway through with production when he-

Seojun's first thought was that Suho must've sold the song to move entertainment, but then he remembered that Suho at least had some morals left. So he would've been just as shocked as Seojun himself was.

Despite still hating Suho for his role he played in Seyeon killing himself, Seojun couldn't lie, he still worried if Suho would be okay after hearing that song. After all, even though they'd sworn to never be friends again, you couldn't erase all the memories they shared or the sliver of caring Seojun still carried for Suho.

So he ran, and Suho took one look at Seojun and left. Leaving him behind, running away. Seojun's heart skipped a beat and he felt the pain rise into his throat as he called after Suho and ran for him. He didn't stop to realize where Suho was running, he didn't even notice the car until it was too late, and he felt the front end collide with his body.

He didn't lose consciousness instantly, but he wasn't fully aware of what was happening. He took a deep inhale and heard the pop in his chest as agony floods through his body, everything on him was shattered, burning horror pouring all through him.

That's the last thing he remembers, the days that pass after are a blur. He woke up in a cold room to which his crying mother informed him was the ICU. Through sobs she told him he was okay, though the feeling in his brain told him otherwise.

Seojun lost consciousness four times that day, having back to back seizures that were each worse than the last.

There's something oddly terrifying and humbling about losing consciousness, because through the little bits he was awake, Seojun knew enough to be scared, as he felt his body and his consciousness slipping into the abyss, the only thing he could coherently think of was the fact that he was no longer in control of his body, his life, or if he made it out of this alive.

It was all up to faith, and God as his mother said.

To Seojun it felt like a matter of days. Time didn't exist to him, it was just pain and the abyss and sounds of his mother's cries- mixed with someone else's that he didn't recognize all too well.

The day he finally woke up enough to understand, the first thing he thought of was how badly everything on him hurt. Who knew even your skin could ache from the slightest breeze of a fan crossing it?

A few nurses spoke to him, mainly asking if he needed more pain medication. His first response was "Well no shit." But he soon realized that being a jerk to the people in charge of his well being- would help him none.

After all, all it takes is one pissed off nurse to decide to withhold morphine or give you the widest catheter they have on hand- and Seojun really didn't want to be in more agony.

It was odd how he couldn't open his eyes, of course he did get hit hard, so he just assumed they were swollen, his whole face probably looked like the michelin man.

"Good morning Ma'am, Seojun woke up at four thirty two am. He is being kept on a morphine drip and a few antibiotics to help with a bladder infection caused by the catheter." A robotic feminine voice echoes in a little hallway somewhere to Seojun's left.

It must be eight am, that's when the hospital's visiting hours open.

He hears his mother's voice, coming out much frailer than he last remembered it to be.
"Has he asked any questions about the accident or his injuries?"

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