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I stopped Ashton immediately when I heard his tone, because I knew there was something wrong with Aubrey.

I grabbed her quickly, ignoring Nick's temper tantrum.

"Ouch- ouch- it hurts so bad." I could hear that she was almost crying, making me pull her hands away from her eyes, which were bloodshot immediately.

Ashton made the first nurse he could find stay with Nick as we ran her to an exam room- having no clue what kind of pain she was in, but knowing that it was serious.

She didn't even want to keep her eyes open or sit up, tears were rolling down her face.

I put a blood pressure cup on her, seeing an extremely high blood pressure, immediately telling me that this was a symptom of that.

"It's her blood pressure" I spoke, immediately unlocking our medicine cabinet, pulling out the appropriate medicines before quickly giving her a shot, her not fighting against it at all- telling me that she was in serious pain.

"Calum- please help me." She sobbed into her hands,

"Go grab me some ice packs."


I was seeing flashing lights, even with my eyes closed.

All I know is my head was hurting really bad and then suddenly Nick screamed in my ear and everything just went dark and quiet for several minutes.

I could hear my heartbeat over everyone talking and touching me, but I saw Calum everytime I was able to actually open my eyes.

I was safe as long as he was here.

I suddenly felt someone trying to push me back

I opened my eyes, trying to stop them from pushing me back

"It's me pretty girl, just lay down." I could hear Luke's voice, but my vision was blurry.

I listened to what he said.

I felt them place what felt like ice packs on my neck and then a few places down my spine before I felt them place a cold rag over my eyes.

I would've normally freaked out from being so vulnerable in this situation, but I could feel Calum rubbing my side gently, making everything a little better.


We had paged all the guys, knowing that this was not okay for her- at all.

She didn't seem aware of anything, only vocalizing how much pain she felt and nothing more.

We had her laying with ice packs across pressure point spots on her neck and spine and then a cooling rag over her eyes and this seemed to give her relief, we didn't plan to stop any of this until her blood pressure was down and she was asleep.

Ashton and I quickly recapped everything that happened to Luke and Michael.

"But she was holding her head weird before all of the screaming, so her blood pressure had to have already been up." Ashton explained slowly and we all nodded in agreement.

I rubbed her side gently, watching her breathing to make sure that everything was in the normal range.

Soon I watched her hand, which was balled into a tight fist, suddenly relax.

"I think she's asleep." I told the guys, who were all discussing that we all needed to sit down and have a family discussion as to how we are taking care of Nick.

"Good- that'll help her body relax more, I was worried that the medicine wouldn't be able to bring her blood pressure down all the way" Ashton exhaled, shaking his head lightly. 

Soon I was carrying her sleeping body to my car, buckling her up, which woke her up in the process.

"You're okay." I told her as I felt her grab my arm, her face telling me that she was alarmed.

"We are just going home." I told her calmly as Luke got in the backseat, not even telling me he was riding home with us.

Luke rubbed her neck gently as we rode her, herself letting her head rest against her hand, which was being held up by my middle storage compartment.

"Oh my god- I shoved Nick didn't I?" The first words she spoke was laced with panic.

"Yes, but he is more than okay." I told her back calmly.

"Oh he's going to be so mad at me-" "relax." Luke interrupted her, never stopping rubbing her neck.

"He will be fine, he didn't even cry other than him being mad over it, he will get over it. For now we need to keep you relaxed and calm."

We got her home and into her room where I ran her a bath with eucalyptus and other calming herbs, knowing she loved the smell of them.

"Take a short bath okay? Don't get too hot and if you get too sleepy let me know, you have a relaxer in your system so you'll get sleepy easy." I told her, seeing her nod.

Within maybe thirty minutes she was out and in bed, all three of the guys and myself sitting in bed to talk to her.

We were trying to figure out the origin of her stress that would give her a migraine this bad.

"I just need a vacation" she mumbled, her head leaning against Michael, who was closest to her, but yet her eyes met mine.

"Well if that's what you need, we can make that happen."

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